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  1. J

    The one and only "HOW MUCH IS MY xyz WORTH" thread

    Loads of retro bikes that ought to go....... I need to become a reformed bike hoarder, I can just about find the time and space for riding my modern bike so something(s) has to go! I'd greatly appreciate some ballpark figures on the following bikes..... 1999 Sunn Urge XC UN 17" Fuji Stout...
  2. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    I'm afraid to say that I'm giving up on this project. I peeled a big sticker off the seat tube to reveal a nasty split. The frame/headset/forks are still as one and will probably end up on eBay along with the wheels. :roll:
  3. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    I've tried "wd-40"-a-like which i realise isn't a proper penetrating fluid and a squirt of act 50 as thats supposed to "creep" well. Good tip with the screw driver whacking technique, I'll try that later It's all a bit academic until I can get the bloody forks out. Lump Hammer and piece of wood...
  4. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    Shame they stopped loving it and forgot what grease was. :(
  5. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    I'll be honest and say it's likely to be a new wheel set all round to be honest and I'll just take the very easy route. That doesn't mean I'll reuse that awful saddle however! One quick question, the rear xtr v brakes are also staying put with the bolts out. Just corroded on like everything...
  6. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    Oh. Anyone able to enlighten me about the seat post size? No chance of reading the size of the remains. My callipers aren't good enough to tell me the difference between 27.0 & 27.2!
  7. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    Take a close look at the rear hub. :lol:
  8. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    Oh, afraid to say that bed has gone to the tip. ;)
  9. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    The guy I bought it from said he was selling it for his brother who was abroad. I bet his bro went away and he (ab)used it going to the chip shop, etc and left it outside, etc. ;) There's a sticker on the seat tube saying it was from Hardcore Bikes in Edmonton Canada. I've got in touch and...
  10. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    Well. A few days of sawing and the seat post is out. Who would have thought a dry wall saw was perfect for an ally post. :D Sawed in off about 1" above the seat tube. Cut a pair of grooves front and back and peeled the post sections out with mole grips and a chisel. :roll:
  11. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    From the looks of it it's been dredged from a canal. Hopefully by throwing everything away I can rescue the frame. :roll:
  12. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    Sadly I can't get excited by the Chris King/Bonty wheels.... :shock:
  13. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    A quick weigh on the scales:
  14. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    Close up view of the horror:
  15. J

    1997 Bontrager Privateer S Utter shed project bike!

    *Big thanks to Drencrom for ID'ing this as a '97 and linking to the brochure PDF* Hi Guys, As I mentioned in my other posts here is my recently acquired shed of a Privateer. Bought on a whim without planning I've partially realised a dream with this clapped out steed. Not much orginal...
  16. J

    Help me identify/restore this Bontrager Privateer S

    Brilliant! Thanks for that! :D
  17. J

    Help me identify/restore this Bontrager Privateer S

    Hi everyone! I made the classic mistake of last minutebidding with my heart and not my head on eBay. Practical upshot is that I'm now the "proud" owner of what must be the least well looked after Bontrager in Christendom. :roll: Anyhoo, I'm in for the long run with this and intend to get...
  18. J

    WANTED: New decals for a Bontrager Privateer S

    I've just acquired an amazingly tatty Privateer S I intend to restore. A quick search reveals "Gil" might be a source for new ones, if you are Gil or someone else who can sell me some, please reply! :) (Apologies for double posting this in both retro/modern areas, I don't know for certain...
  19. J

    WANTED: Bontrager Privateer S Decals

    I've just acquired an amazingly tatty Privateer S I intend to restore. A quick search reveals "Gil" might be a source for new ones, if you are Gil or someone else who can sell me some, please reply! :) (Apologies for posting this in both retro/modern areas, I don't know for certain when the...