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  1. F

    JRJ Bob Jackson serial numbers/dating

    With that frame number it will be about 1963. See attached graph and BJ form taken off another post.
  2. F

    Bob Jackson 1964

    Just for interest I have attached a graph of Bob Jackson frame numbers that I have been putting together. This is broad brush stuff but appears faily accurate. If anyone reading this has a BJ frame can they send me the year and frame number and I would add it into the info I have. On the...
  3. F

    Claud Butler-Holdsworth frame numbers 1959-1976

    I hope the attached photos are good enough. You can see the bike is now a static one and I have dealt with the rust. All the original transfers are still there and I have laquered the whole frame to preserve them.
  4. F

    Claud Butler-Holdsworth frame numbers 1959-1976

    I have a 1959 CB frame number 0159. However the bike is a Classique which may not have come out till 1962. The paint is original so could the frame have come out in 1959. It is cosmetically in a pretty poor state but the rust is very light.