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  1. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Hi everyone, as promised here's a pic of the lucky lady and her new bike. (Bryan's sister and my Mum in case anyone didn't know). Many thanks to Joe for making the trip all the way over to Leicestershire from Pembrokeshire. And thanks to WelshKiwi for let me bring this beauty back into the...
  2. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Re: Hi Bill Welshkiwi's bike is indeed back in the family, not with Bryan but with his sister - my mother. Hopefully she's not reading this thread, as it's currently being wrapped by elves and will be there under her tree to surprise her on Christmas Day. I'm sure there will be tears. Joe, a...
  3. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Hi all, as promised, here's our latest film for Rapha just released today: ... e-malaysia jon
  4. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Btw, Welshkiwi, the rider I was thinking of was Clare Greenwood, who Joe referred to early on in this conversation. Does anyone know her? j
  5. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Hi everyone, this is really gathering steam. I thought I'd take a chance to recap. For anyone interested, WelshKiwi and I have been talking offline about putting some kind of story together around all this. And Joe Careless, who started the thread has offered up some extremely useful info too...
  6. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Re: Hi all I seem to recall reading that one of Bryan's bikes was ridden in an international event - possibly Commonwealth Games - possibly ridden by a medal-winner. I've trawled this site and the rest of the interweb but can't seem to find anything. Does anyone have any info on this or other...
  7. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Sounds like the basis of a great story. If we can source cash through sponsorship, crowd-funding or sports-councils, then I would be keen to make a documentary film for expenses only. Does anyone here have any thoughts? I would also like my uncle Bryan to be part of the story, although I'm not...
  8. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Re: WelshKiwi, where do you live? Jon
  9. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Re: This has all the makings of a great documentary. If only I was living close by. Jon (Bryan's nephew) (see earlier post)
  10. J

    Bryan Warnett track bike info

    Hi everyone, Bryan Warnett is my uncle - my mother's brother. We sadly lost touch with him a few years ago. The last we heard, he had suffered a stroke and was confined to a wheel-chair. WelshKiwi, he was still living in the house above the repair shop in Pontcanna. Bryan, my Mum and their...