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  1. Jeroen

    My stable...

    I agree. It was the sole reason for me to buy it 3-4 yrs back, because of its oddity. I seldomly ride with suspension (except for my non-classic fully once in a while). The Lawwill also had a weird feature in that it has very little to no offset of the front axle. Great cornering (....)
  2. Jeroen

    My stable...

    Frame hanging on the wall. The FSX and Syncros parts also. I sold the brakes, stem and seatpost. I wonder what hit me, doing that... Actually, during wintertime its easy; either I go riding with my hometown palls its the DK Team SL (geared) or go singlespeeding on my own on the Crisp Ti...
  3. Jeroen

    My stable...

    17,5" c-t.
  4. Jeroen

    Post your non-retro ride(s)!!!

    My non-classic ride... After having two full grown, almost Freeride-alike suspension bikes (Santa Cruz Heckler and Turner 5Spot) I went to follow my idea of 'less is more'... and less mms suspension really ment more fun to me. Both the Turner and the Heckler didnt last more than 11 months here...
  5. Jeroen

    My stable...

    ..... now why would I do that?? :wink: In its SS setup I used it during the SSWC 04 in Berlin. Rode it side-by-side to Joe Breeze. He put his signature on the toptube too. Nice touch.
  6. Jeroen

    My stable...

    I lied... sorry. This was my first SS attempt; Still have that very frame, fork was sold to someone in France. It was my second mountainbike ever and the first one I built up myself in '98, after being in the sport for little over a year. In its latest XC creation as a daily bike it...
  7. Jeroen

    My stable...

    Here a shortlist of my current (vintage/retro) stable. My 'daily rider': '00 DeKerf Team SL Parts: Vicious rigid fork, Avid Arch Supreme's, Moonhead rings, Raceface cranks, ano green King rearhub and headset, FRM stem and front hub, 2x9 XT/XTR setup. My 'second' Dekerf and the...
  8. Jeroen

    info on Rocky Mountain Summit RL

    Rocky sure had their share of waving in the winds of change. The '90 Summit was completely different. Here's mine:
  9. Jeroen

    Does aluminium degrade over time?

    Maybe I missuse terms perhaps, Im not English (Dutch). But read this again, and hopefully you get the picture of what Im trying to 'show': ... a word, yes Aluminium has no Fatigue, since it decreases in strenght, therefor there is no set boundry to which it will last indefinetly...
  10. Jeroen

    Does aluminium degrade over time?

    On a side-note and perhaps common knowledge to many; since aluminium cannot withstand big deformations since it will decrease its fatique life; alu frames have this big tubes, so no movement/deformation will occure during its use. Thats the only reason why alumium frames are so stiff. Steel...
  11. Jeroen

    Does aluminium degrade over time?

    'Fixed' as in pre-determind with a big 'x' factor taken into account. Simple explination; if you take steel or ti for example, theres a fixed max. stress that you can put on the material, at which beyond it the material will no longer go back to its unloaded form (thus permanent...
  12. Jeroen

    Pre '90s Rocky information

    Yep. Ive made a post in the 'introduction' thread, there you will find anything you'd want to know about me :wink: Chris was basically 'Everest' so big chances are Chris could have built this frame, even if its not a Blizzard. The funky thing is that it has all the specs/looks/details of a...
  13. Jeroen

    Pre '90s Rocky information

    Its either a late '80 Blizzard or perhaps a Tantalus that is bound to show up at my doorstep this week... Super sloping toptube, and needs a throghough resto...
  14. Jeroen

    Pre '90s Rocky information

    Im on the look out for some information on the Rocky Mtn models pre '90s. I have some mag scans from the '88 and '89 brochures, but Im actually looking for info on the '87 and earlier line-up. My primer interest is for the detail-differences between the models with slooping toptubes. Any info...
  15. Jeroen

    Standart set of 110 and 74 rings

    I have here a set of new, still in the bag, 'full teeth' 'Via Velo' chain rings in black ano. 75 euro's shipped within Europe.
  16. Jeroen

    Top Gear ce soir...

    Yeah great show. I hardly ever watch TV, nothing much on. I like cars, not a petrol-head as in having multiple cars/collecting/restoring them, but I really like them. TopGear is a great show. Its the only show I truly stay home for to watch. The humor/sarcasm is great and in some ways...
  17. Jeroen

    1991 Steve Potts

    The fact that this bike is inmensly too big for me, is some form of confort I charish myself to counter balance my envy.... Carsten, you've been a very lucky guy scoring this one. The build is stunning. Just plane great. Quite a bit different than your Klein's :wink:
  18. Jeroen

    The 'Introduce Yourself Here' thread

    Well, this should be my first post on this website. I've been lurking a bit lately. A few years back I was pretty 'active' on the German classic boards, switched to and for some reason I kinda laid back a bit the last couple of months. My name is Jeroen, some of you might know me...