Search results

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    Gios Torino Professional - the white edition

    All of your pictures and descriptions represent impeccable form. Chapeau!
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    Langdale Pursuit

    That last pic... Woah...
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    Ribble frame with carbon forks and r500 wheels for sale

    Do you still have the fork? Depending on steerer length and price, I'd be interested.
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    Peugeot Discoverer?

    I had one as a kid. My parents seemed to think it was a good idea. At the time I could never understand why I got knackered before my mates. I still occasionally go to the pub (very slowly) on my Ascender, which I also use for polo, hence my interest in sh_te old bikes. I'd rather not run a...
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    Peugeot Discoverer?

    The name is 'Discoverer' (I think). I'll know a bit more about it when I pick it up tomorrow. Seller also claims it has been wrapped and stored in original condition so I'm interested to see what's on it. Probably nothing special but it does seem a bit unusual.
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    Peugeot Discoverer?

    Fully agree that it's a low range model, I was more wondering if it was a re-named version of one of their more well known MTBs. Initially I thought it might have been some kind of promo bike to tie in with Land Rover, but I'm guessing not.
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    Peugeot Discoverer?

    Anybody heard of these/know anything about them? I'm a fan of old Peugeots and found this on my local GumTree. Seller reckons it's from the 80s and South African, which may explain why I can't find out much about it. I quite like the look of it, particularly the internal cable routing on...
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    SOLD Raleigh Granada touring or great commuting bike

    That's a great price. But I've just been informed that S-1 has been reached (and probably breached some time ago). Dibs over :( GLWS.
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    Klein quantum 97

    That's a thing of beauty. Are the rims blue or is it a reflection of the stunning paintwork?
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    1939 Raleigh Record Ace (RRA)

    That is an absolute stunner!
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    Various road bits for sale

    Could I stick a tentative dibs on the shoes, pedals and cleats please?
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    Koga Miyata Gents Racer Carbolite 58cm - SOLD

    If this is still available I would be interested Tel. Would you be prepared to post as far as Newcastle?
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    Hardworking classic

    I wouldn't call it a 'classic' (I mostly ride/get retro bikes for nostalgia/looks) but I love the Sun I commute on. Cost me £20 and all that wanted changing was the tyres. Nobody seems to want to nick it either, unlike 3 modern bikes I've owned in the past!
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    1993 Raleigh Activator 2

    Totally understand where you're coming from. My comments were meant tongue in cheek: my Ascender is heavy-feeling up a hill, but on the flat it feels harder than a Hummer. I think the main thing to take from this thread is that people love bikes for different reasons. And that everyone has...
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    1993 Raleigh Activator 2

    I had to join a gym just so I could get the thing moving! It makes me wonder how I managed on it when I was younger.
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    1993 Raleigh Activator 2

    There is a guy where I work who rides one of these in every day. Looks like he's had it and loved it for years! I picked up a Raleigh Ascender a while back purely because I had one as a kid. I still quite like the glittery paint job it's got.
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    My Orbit America Sport

    Lovin' the colours there pal (KTID!!)