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  1. D

    Saracen project.

    I'm having some computer issues at the moment, (it's broke), so I will have to wait until its fixed before getting those pics up.... :cry:
  2. D

    Saracen project.

    Will get it sorted and show you asap. (probably tomorrow now)
  3. D

    excited isnt the word

    Sweet... exciting times mate... :D
  4. D

    Saracen project.

    I have had another good look at the frame and unfortunately I think it is too far gone to rescue. When I took it out of the cupboard LOADS of shards of rust came out of it which have been released since the BB and steerer have been removed. I just can't be sure that it is completely safe and...
  5. D

    excited isnt the word

    When do we get to see them on the bike??? :D
  6. D

    Sat next to this while drinking coffee...

    I had a strange suspicion it might be a replica... What a thing to own though huh??? !!!!! 8)
  7. D

    Sat next to this while drinking coffee...

    Next time I pop in, which will probably be fairly soon, I'll get the full low-down on it.
  8. D

    Sat next to this while drinking coffee...

    It's in Rockets and Rascals bicycle emporium, Barbican, Plymouth.
  9. D

    Sat next to this while drinking coffee...

    It's my little secret.... :lol:
  10. D

    Sat next to this while drinking coffee...

    and stared at it while the poor wife was trying to talk to me, (not sure if its a replica but I will check next time I'm in there....) amazing. :shock:
  11. D

    excited isnt the word

    They're going to look better on your Fisher than on my wife's bike, enjoy mate... :D
  12. D

    Mental Mountain Unicycling!!!

    :lol: :lol: ye... looks like it! Oh well, I'll have to spend more time on Youtube rather than doing much more interesting, productive stuff... :lol:
  13. D

    Mental Mountain Unicycling!!!

    :shock: Never thought I would see this! Skills...
  14. D

    Saracen project.

    Good stuff, thanks for the info... :D I'll be starting saving then...
  15. D

    Saracen project.

    Nice mate... Cheers for that.. I will be doing a new rear wheel for it in time so I presume that I will be able to make it SS specific???... But will still need the tensioner because of the frame design...?
  16. D

    Saracen project.

    Just been looking into it.... a chain tensioner? Are there any disadvantages to using one of these? I suppose there is no other option with my vertical dropouts??...
  17. D

    Saracen project.

    For anyone that can help.... With the drop-out I've got on this frame, how do you go about installing a SS hub and getting the correct tension on the chain?? :?:
  18. D

    Single speed? I don't get it! What's the point?

    I have just sat and carefully read all 7 pages of this thread with great interest. I have to admit I did think; too trendy, no point, etc etc. But having read this I have almost 100% made up my mind that my '96 Saracen forcetrax rebuild is going to be a rigid SS... Thanks to you all for...
  19. D

    My new best friend (Topeak)

    Yep, it's out there... Nice tool you got there!! :D Can't help on the pronounciation I'm afraid. :?:
  20. D

    have you ever stolen anything from work?

    The only thing that work steals off me is time, time on my bike, time with the wife and boy, time in my kayak, drinking beer, etc etc... Roll on retirement!!!! Only 29 1/2 years to go. Suck it up! :?