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  1. Carlos

    Anyone here got a new San Andreas from ebay today?! ... 1438.l2649 I was watching this and know the shop selling it a little, but they wouldn't give in for me to take it off their hands! Anyway, the frame has been intriguing me. It's obviously a pretty early San Andreas but anyone know anything about...
  2. Carlos

    Shed clear out more added & price drop

    Mikey, I don't want to hold up a build for you just for the sake of starting a collection which will take months, so you can have dibs on them if you want :) The hubs seem to me to be the easiest bits of the group to find in good nick :?
  3. Carlos

    Why are mtb riders such wimps??

    My parents used to be BW patrol on a local stretch of canal. They weren't there very often anyway, but they never told anyone off for cycling as far as I know! It'd have to be a pretty anti-cycling patrol to do anything more than politely remind you of the rules and send you on your way.
  4. Carlos

    Shed clear out more added & price drop

    Are those STX-RC hubs in as good condition as they look? Could be a good start to building up my favourite groupset :D
  5. Carlos

    Find this funny...

    The funny thing is, as they 'can't build' these bikes due to likelihood of failing standards tests, they are actually building carbon bikes instead, which aren't as strong as the majority of old steel/ally/ti frames and will almost certainly not be alive in 10 years time because of failures!
  6. Carlos

    Who can ship this GT to berlin?

    'The frame has a mark on it, might be a crack'.... That is most certainly a crack and is most certainly severely weakened! I would not ride that in anger without a repair. Would hold up for normal use though, just far from ideal. Tasty frame though!
  7. Carlos

    Collection assistence in Hitchin Hertfordshire

    Hey I'm 10mins from Hitchin (and visit often) and I don't mind helping out :) Got my own bike shop nearby and send a few bits out every now and then. Depends how big/heavy it is though, and if it's VERY nice, I can't promise you'll receive it :P Nah, I can't afford anything nice at the...
  8. Carlos

    hi guys - and i have questions................ loads of em

    Go for the Judys, they'll be much more enjoyable! :)
  9. Carlos

    Raleigh Black Ops (Special Products) MTB

    That pretty much sums up retro biking :D The 2125 will be the code of the metals gone into making the titanium tubes. I couldn't tell you what they are, but it basically the amount of titanium, aluminium and other metals that are mixed together. Edit: Too slow!
  10. Carlos

    hi guys - and i have questions................ loads of em

    A set of HI5s aren't a good idea for that sort of riding. For gentle riding, you'll just be bobbing about all over the place and not actually moving forwards very fast! Plus there's the fact that most frames may struggle with the extra forces exerted by a triple clamp fork and you may end up...
  11. Carlos


    Hey hey I'm a rubbish teacher, but can build wheels (although getting a bit used to radials where I'm working now, so may take a couple of attempts to remind myself of 3 cross!). I don't mind lending a hand :) Knowing a sprayer comes in handy sometimes too! ha You got any bits you want to...
  12. Carlos

    2009 Duster

    I've got a Duster with the Alfine 8Speed's awesome! Got a set of Surly rigid forks on there and it feels amazing, lower the tyre pressure a bit and the steel frame/fork feels like it has suspension, it's so supple! Handles great too. I much prefer it over my old Cotic Soul, although...