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  1. Carlos

    Dean Sputnik?

    Anyone know much about these? It seems they only did the original ones in 1997 but then changed them for a 2001 edition softail. It's odd that a cabon bike of that era wasn't a top of the range rocket, but being Dean, it looks as though they didn't want to offer something above their ti range...
  2. Carlos


    Tried that a couple of years ago! Proper off road though, none of this tarmac cheating :roll: Got 4 or 5 bikes, 12"-20" and gave them a blast down Rogate downhill tracks on the South Downs :D Good fun, but it quickly loses it's appeal once you realise you're about to die at every corner!
  3. Carlos

    Magura hydraulic rim brakes?

    I'd feel happier using a brace on a carbon rear end!
  4. Carlos

    Mountain Cycle experts

    I doubt I'll be buying it anyway - someone will buy it for it's 'provenance' for probably a pretty high price. And hopefully be blissfully ignorant as opposed to disappointed when they get it.
  5. Carlos

    Mountain Cycle experts

    They are in about their 25th incarnation now! OK, maybe 4th or 5th. Releasing a new San An about now. Not a lot like the old one, but you can see the heritage in it. Just. Yep, they are 'still' going...if you can overlook the fact that it's been owned by plenty of different people and had...
  6. Carlos

    Mountain Cycle experts

    They were released in '94 I believe
  7. Carlos

    Salsa Stem. Sale or swap

    No help to you I'm afraid...but I'm after a yellow one of these if anyone has one around :)
  8. Carlos

    Mountain Cycle experts

    I have a bit of a love of Mountain Cycles, and I know a few here do too. After keeping an eye out for a MOHO for a while, this one pops up on ebay USA. I am interested in it anyway but a few things don't add up. See if you agree with me! ... 0774645935...
  9. Carlos

    funky bike!!! ugly more like, check this out!!

    :roll: "Please note: the yellow on the wheels will not be as hard-wearing as a factory finish but should wear evenly and gracefully." :roll: It'll look shocking in days, and that's forgetting that the brakes won't work, the gears won't work, the chain will start flaking in minutes, the...
  10. Carlos

    170 v 175mm cranks

    Yep, this is true. It's just that he seems to change his mind later! This is more important than he makes out.
  11. Carlos

    170 v 175mm cranks

    Haha! What a ridiculous analogy! How many people climb stairs 1000s at a time, multiple times a week?! This may be a point where I have to disagree with the Sheldon! True it doesn't make much difference with RPM or leverage but it does make a big difference with leg length. My legs will...
  12. Carlos

    170 v 175mm cranks

    Not sure about that - I know a couple of old school racers (very top notch) who I'm sure have always used even 180 cranks on their racing bikes. It's always down to leg length. I'm 5'6" with pretty damn short legs and a 175 on the road feels so wrong - I get knee pain after not long. 170 on...
  13. Carlos

    170 v 175mm cranks

    On a mountain bike, crank length doesn't make a big difference as you're not consistently pedalling with your body and legs in a fixed position, you're always moving around, backwards and forwards, weight off the saddle, then sat down, freewheeling, backpedalling etc. over terrain. On a road...
  14. Carlos

    how much is too much? (cable outers)

    Yep, there's a formula... It's the distance between A and B, plus some slack. Perfect every time :)
  15. Carlos

    Litespeed for very short legged people... ... 5895012504
  16. Carlos

    Ebay Madness No. 2761

    They've dropped the price now...but this was at $3999 for a while!! ... 4cfb6c521c
  17. Carlos

    New frames, old school style

    Well that's basically the idea (that sounds great :) ). But there aren't many frames around like that, you've gone to extra expense to have the respray done and running long rigid forks - which do look a little silly - I've got some 440 Surlys on my Charge Duster - there is clearance for a...
  18. Carlos

    New frames, old school style

    Well the idea is that it's whatever you want. There are a few steel frames out there now, but very much new geometry, built for big forks and disks. I guess it'd be more 90's style as it's pointless building an 80's style frame without being able to get components that look anything like what...
  19. Carlos

    Rather random NOS frame

    Looks a lot like the Ammaco rubbish I used to sell years ago - the bikes were about that price built up!
  20. Carlos

    New frames, old school style

    There was a thread discussing this but I can't find it now and probably better to start another one anyway. What do people think of potentially buying a brand new handbuilt frame but it old school geometry and finishes? Doesn't even have to be old geo actually. Could be designed around a...