Search results

  1. silverclaws

    UK Only ?

    Yes, I use that now, but different searches one has to keep doing it, whereas in the past, ones personal settings would do it permanently, or at least for as long as one needed it, but not anymore it seems.
  2. silverclaws

    UK Only ?

    Ebay, it was once that one could specify UK only for searches and ebay remembered that and so searches were UK only, but now it seems it forgets all too easily and nowhere can I see where to set UK only so all my searches are UK only with every search I do. Is there any way to set this as a...
  3. silverclaws

    Internet usage application ?

    I have a capped 15gb via plusnet and yes they do have a part of their site that displays activity, but I find the way it is represented, hard to understand, but I may be changing my limit soon, as I have just found from the same ISP that I can get 60gb for three quid less. Also I am noticing the...
  4. silverclaws

    Internet usage application ?

    Many of us are on a fixed monthly internet usage contract with our ISP's and quite often many of us go over that fixed point and so have to pay more or suffer slow connections and download rates, so I am asking does anyone know of an application that can monitor our usage and make us aware of...
  5. silverclaws

    Are modern bikes overpriced?

    One thing I can say about modern bikes is that they are ugly and between brands pretty much the same looking- take the nineties with the nutty pain jobs, bright even shocking colour schemes and compare then to what the predominant colour of ATB is now, modern bikes just look too work man like...
  6. silverclaws

    Flying Ants...

    I agree, but this is the internet where things may be taken to new heights where we are not face to face, really storms in tea cups and mountains being made out of mole hills, but it is the fantasy land of the internet where all manner of stupidity may occur.
  7. silverclaws

    Hole Station

    Well one can wild camp there, but no foraging allowed on the site, fallen timber has to be left alone as it provides a habitat for all manner of creatures not seen in managed woods, but open fires are encouraged as each pitch has a fire pit (a wagon wheel rim) and a basha shelter already erected...
  8. silverclaws

    Flying Ants...

    Then you are reading me wrong, my intention was not to poke fun at the poster, but explain perhaps others actions and most definitely mine as something a childish mind may do. Though my mind may wander, killing things is not an intentional thing to do and my rule is only intentionally kill if...
  9. silverclaws

    Flying Ants...

    Relax, stuff mentioned is in remembrance of cruel childhoods in most cases, as tell me you didn't do your bit in eradicating things smaller than yourself as a child. I remember primary school one summer, there was a craze for magnifying glasses as after dinner so many were outside in the...
  10. silverclaws

    Popular Science 1931

    After finding a newspaper page from the 1930's underneath my 1916 Singer sewing machine I went in search of the past; From Airships to space planes An interesting collection of magazines from the 1930's I just love it ; ... e&q&f=true and...
  11. silverclaws

    Flying Ants...

    Rig a magnifying glass focused to an intense heat point at the entrance to the nest, see how many dare to come out to die.
  12. silverclaws

    Hole Station

    Just for yous that like camping, may I heartily recommend Hole station adults only campsite in Devon, complete with it's composting toilets. A campsite in the woods, where I noticed a lot that liked to cycle based their rides from Yeah, it...
  13. silverclaws

    Old engines and modern 2 stroke mix ?

    I am back on the happy pills and this time I am not coming off, as these things don't have the nasty side effects that made me quit the last lot and they have an added bonus, one can get drunk on two pints so quids in, not that I drink much these days these meds seem to kill that desire...
  14. silverclaws

    Could be interesting for Shell, BP etc...

    That's the problem what we have isn't perfect, well it isn't for the majority of us at least, but some are profitting and where there is the surety of profit why seek change. The other thing of course like the cure for cancer, it involves too many industries to actually seek a cure, if a cure...
  15. silverclaws

    Cotswolds driver punched by cyclist

    I got one last night, me haring down the hill on my bike doing 30 according to the speedo thing and a BMW that was behind dangerously overtook me only to pull in front and travel at a speed that forced me to actually slow down, I thought exactly what was the point of that, what a complete...
  16. silverclaws

    Old engines and modern 2 stroke mix ?

    The motor like all the motors in the place I work are dump finds, a whole plethora of mid twentieth century stationary engines and outboards the blacksmith seems to collect with the idea of getting them going but is vague as to what purpose they will be put beyond just having a collection of old...
  17. silverclaws

    Apparently, I had the chance to go to the Olympic MTB

    That is what the truth of marriage is, the ability for one to think for and on behalf of the other and if not, it's a problem, a possible sign the marriage is on the rocks, but then it always was marriage was a ceremony of ownership. Look into the history of finger rings, in ancient Rome...
  18. silverclaws

    Could be interesting for Shell, BP etc...

    I agree there is likely more oil than we are being told as being told it is scarce is a reason to keep prices high, but why must we rely on oil, because the oil cartels tell us, sure they would it is the source of their wealth and therein lies the problem with everything; money and with money...
  19. silverclaws

    Old engines and modern 2 stroke mix ?

    Storing and cleaning the fuel circuit I have always used STABIL a fuel stabiliser from the US, it treats 40 gallons and keeps it usable for 24 months as well as stopping varnishing, gumming etc. There is a very STABIL like smell to the exhaust gas when an engine has it in. I think from what...
  20. silverclaws

    Could be interesting for Shell, BP etc...

    There's lots that the oil cartels have sunk as it is usual for oil companies to buy technologies in order to fully investigate and that technology is never heard from again. I have heard of engines running on water before and I believe there was a suggestion in the past that water injection...