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  1. W

    Obsolete brake cable barrel?

    A lot can change in 48 years! The two brake levers are different. Still it is interesting that SA make rim brakes. Thanks for all the input - it seems this is a problem particular to Pashley, and not a general one as I had assumed; how surprising.
  2. W

    Obsolete brake cable barrel?

    AH! That explains them not answering two query emails!
  3. W

    Obsolete brake cable barrel?

    Rob: It is a rim brake, but the other one is a Sturmey Archer hub - I was wondering if I could canabalise a SA hub cable. But what makes you think that one has a larger barrel - there is no information given and you can barely see it in the photo? Midlife: No, it's a Pashley Picador trike.
  4. W

    Obsolete brake cable barrel?

    Yes , I was wondering about something along the same lines but using copper pipe. Wouldn't plastic (a) yield and (b) crack? If this larger size exists then I obviously would much rather find an example - the trouble is no seller of brake cables gives the dimensions of their barrels, or in fact...
  5. W

    Obsolete brake cable barrel?

    I have a 1974 bike (the make is irrelevant) and a brake cable snapped at the lever, it had frayed through. In trying to source a replacement, which one would have thought was a simple matter, I have encountered an unexpected problem. The fixing into the brake lever is a 'barrel' cast onto the...