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  • Users: gibbleking
  • Before: Jul 27, 2016
  • Order by date
  1. gibbleking

    before and after

    Re: no sink in this fella...the house is very close and theres an outside tap already.the chop saw cuts thru oak like its not there so i very happy with a new blade this morning for the bandsaw and it now cuts nice and straight.all thats left is making my camera cabinet thingy so i can...
  2. gibbleking

    before and after

    Re: Some recent additions....nice saw blades from omas,quality delta chop saw and a much better upright band saw the blades thrown in free...brand new and unused.turns out omas blades cost more than the chopsaw and band saw put together so I did really happy
  3. gibbleking

    storing bikes when not riding..

    just went and bikes too long for that method...which is a shame as it would of been perfect.
  4. gibbleking

    storing bikes when not riding..

    ive discovered that the only way to store my ride is like this...i think i need another shed.....
  5. gibbleking

    before and after

    ps...were you cutting towards yourself?...because the amount of times ive done that........
  6. gibbleking

    before and after

    jesus y god that looks orrid....on a plus side its good to see that ya chisels are nice and sharp...its got so bad here with my luck to date that the wife to be has just ordered a pile of steri strips and medic tape as we have run out...oops.
  7. gibbleking

    before and after

    I managed to jam my thumb into a bench saw last year.made right mess.took months to heal and cost me sensation from the knuckle to the tip.went right thru the glove in a heartbeat,stopped the blade dead it did.luckily I missed slicing the thumb off.the nurse pulled out a strip of glove 3 inches...
  8. gibbleking

    before and after

    Re: I have a couple of wood burners on eBay I'm looking at ...the flu pipes could do with being a tad cheaper though.the plough planew plus all the blades and extras cost a measly 23 quid so I had to have them as they normally cost a lot more..yesterday I tried out the thicknesses on some wood...
  9. gibbleking

    before and after

    Re: it was a 301 and just down the road from me as well..missed out by 50 quid in the today im doing more hunting .heres a quick pic of the box i made.its got a removable base and has inlaid flag in the top and bottom.its got about a 100 parts to it all slotting together with t and g...
  10. gibbleking

    before and after

    Re: I'm sorted on planes at the moment. Just sourced a vintage plough plane plus all the blades for a very good deal.I've been trying to get a decent bandsaw or wood turning lathe lately but missed out on a start rite yesterday....what kind of things do you make ?I like boxes at the moment...
  11. gibbleking

    before and after

    Re: Yup I agree...the planer moves on casters so it can wheel the extractor in the center,both work tables making good use of light...and all the power tools on one stack away from being's also got ano oak floor nowith so it's hard wearing.finished the layout this afternoon.
  12. gibbleking

    before and after

    Re: i have 2 very good fast furry mobile chomping deterrents... 8)
  13. gibbleking

    before and after

    3 sheds jackson if you please....2nd shed stores my stock of wood ,2nd bench planer and crappy bandsaw,1st shed contains power tools and recumbent trike tadpole thingy.
  14. gibbleking

    before and after

    a slightly better bike was going on the back table but the tv is kinda in the way so its staying in my other shed..
  15. gibbleking

    before and after

    a dirty great big dw1150 plus mortice attacthment(early birthday pressie from the missus).blasted thing weighs so much im going to have to reinforce the floor in the morning..
  16. gibbleking

    before and after

    Re: Used a cheap fish eye lens to get a wide shot..had some troubles with focus but I'm still trying to get to grips with dslr setting on me camera..
  17. gibbleking

    before and after

    my mancave arrived slightly happy... 8) got the lights to install tomorow plus figuring out where to put in progress tho...
  18. gibbleking

    The Other Love Of My Life!!!

    She let me go's cos I stopped washing......heh
  19. gibbleking

    The Other Love Of My Life!!!

    Re: dont they jus....suzi can jump from sitting to almost 6 feet now...heres another pic of her pinching the sofa a bit..the lab is max a ten year od lab...he pinches the settee...
  20. gibbleking

    The Other Love Of My Life!!!

    Re: this is suzi(quatro) ridgeback doggie and chief bed hoarder...9 months old when the pics were taken...