Recent content by Woz

  1. Woz

    1960 Peugeot PX10.

    ^ Effectively with the keys included, it makes it a bit more worthwhile 😜 :) :LOL: :cool: :wink:
  2. Woz

    Vintage French randonneuer's and porteurs.

    Agree. But look where we are and what we are talking about and the era. I'm all for understanding failure modes like you good self. That structure must have saved many tourist on a dreadful drive side road side repair and a feasible spoke replacement. I would add, there may be a spacer between...
  3. Woz

    Mongoose iboc road

    Indeed. Little known fact, there is a sublime Sandvik built Ti Road frameset with Mongoose decals. Low numbers. For a keen eye to spot and bag up. Been on my list for years. Basically, like a Dean or Kona. But goes under the radar for no other reason that people don't know it happened. Best...
  4. Woz

    Imlach's Sweaty Hippie Funk Collection, adventure bikes, rusty rats, cruisers and other alt bastardisations of bicyclery

    I think he ( @Guinessisgoodforyou ) dropped some acid by mistake, went to a hipster barber shop, smoked a bit, then got the munchies, then ate an entire bar of Dove cream soap. He should have washed his mouth out with the Dove soap right from the word go and not being tempted in this evil...
  5. Woz

    Mongoose iboc road

    With many things retro - it will take time to know. Someone more knowledgeable will be along. For the moment, you have a good bike and probably fairly rare in your hands. :) 😍:cool:
  6. Woz

    Mongoose iboc road

    Hello and welcome! Mongoose were not that well known for road bikes - their heritage being early in BMX and later MTB. But, this looks a great a bike. With some patience more help will come from our USA experts. In the archives are some Mongoose catalogues. I would date this mid-90s at a...
  7. Woz

    Imlach's Sweaty Hippie Funk Collection, adventure bikes, rusty rats, cruisers and other alt bastardisations of bicyclery

    :LOL: With both a front and rear mech, it must be in poll position. Always.
  8. Woz

    Imlach's Sweaty Hippie Funk Collection, adventure bikes, rusty rats, cruisers and other alt bastardisations of bicyclery

    There's nothing to see here. Move away. Nothing to see here. Move away. Only Surly basket-cases so far is what I can gather. 😜 This would be alright if it didn't follow the aesthetic school of you know who and didn't want to emulate a surf board sail from the 90s. It might need to grow up...
  9. Woz

    Vintage French randonneuer's and porteurs.

    The man is a top bloke too. Colin helped me with my later unfortune doomed De Dion Bouton project. One of the best resources out there. A real pro with knowledge 🥰
  10. Woz

    What we get at the shop.

    :LOL: And then arrested at the first traffic lights. Tron frightens young children and old age pensioners. Joking aside, it all good saving and working on bikes to help the community and keep people mobile for not much outlay. 👍
  11. Woz

    Vintage French randonneuer's and porteurs.

    ^ Oh La La .... Christ On A Bike. Not Christ On Crutches. Oooouf. I mean ooouf. It is extraordinary that Mecadural. I would stroke that every night and would give up my libido in the process.
  12. Woz

    Raleigh losses.

    Yes, knock-on effects of principal industry causes widespread pain often and poorly not understood nor accounted for in decision making.
  13. Woz

    Raleigh losses.

    Yup. If you had a brain about yourself in Europe today, it is a no brainer. While it may not be the UK and all the former glory of Nottingham etc. etc. etc. There needs some serious consideration beyond "it is only a double diamond frame". I am also aware the French are trying to dust off...
  14. Woz

    Vintage French randonneuer's and porteurs.

    ^ With a big bell, braced up ultra skinny rear stays for the only pedal back brake, mudguards, a 6v dynamo, apparently you where good to go in Paris.
  15. Woz

    Vintage French randonneuer's and porteurs.

    Mid to late 30s La Gazelle Porteur. You can every colour you want here, as long as it is black. :cool:😍