Recent content by Rich

  1. Rich

    thought i'd give a cancer operation update

    Haven’t been on here for an age but read this, thanks for sharing your story mate, I hope the very best for you ❤️
  2. Rich

    Article 1990 Feb MBUK Team Schmoo Article

    1990 Feb MBUK Team Schmoo Article aka 'The Schmoo Effect'
  3. Rich

    Pace homage

    Cool looking bike eh 💪🏻
  4. Rich

    BoTY Bike of The Year 2023 - The poll

    Dang, there are some beautiful bikes there, will be a tough Year to vote
  5. Rich

    Orange Formula

    Holy thread resurrection Batman 👍🏻
  6. Rich

    BoTM BoTM November 2022 'Amnesty Special' - The Vote

    I always judge by which one is most like to ride, there’s three on there, the Pace RC100, The Fat Chance Ti and the Manitou…but some show stoppers amongst them, great Month guys 😊
  7. Rich

    Pace RC100 99p Start

    That was a great buy for someone, looks to have been a 17” frameset…nice
  8. Rich

    BoTM BotM July 2021 - the vote

    Great Month, we’ll done everyone, this is not an easy choice at all, I’d love to own all of them ❤️
  9. Rich

    My £29 CR-7

    What a save…pulling up a chair for this one
  10. Rich

    BoTM Bike of The Month June 2021 - The vote

    Dave’s Pace all day long and my all time Unicorn 🦄
  11. Rich

    1994 Fat Chance Ti "Final Lockdown project"

    Wow that zing’s, I’d love a Fat Ti one day 🥰
  12. Rich

    boy"O"boy's 1990 Klein Attitude Dolomite/ Team USA/ Mavic build

    Stunning mate, really like what you’ve done with the Attitude...that RC100 tho 🥰
  13. Rich

    1991 Formula 1 Cycles full suspension - F1/08/S1 ex Deb Murrell

    Awesome Si, I’ve always had a thing for Formula 1 bikes...outstanding effort
  14. Rich

    Feature Bike Richard Thackray Original Team Pace F1 - Restoration Thread - Completed

    Hats off mate, what a journey, thanks for taking us with you