Recent content by Dr Dremel

  1. Dr Dremel

    Ritchey Vantage Comp vs Sport

    In my experience the Ritchey rims are not the strongest (mine are Comps, Experts are indeed single wall). Araya RM 20 however- I have a pair which is in use since 1988 without problems. Purely anecdotal of course and up to you if they are worth the price difference.
  2. Dr Dremel

    What fluid for Sachs Powerdisc?

    Apparantly they came filled with Shell Naturelle HFE 15. The manual specifically says to not use brake fluid. In my opinion that makes them ok for use with mineral oil.
  3. Dr Dremel

    Servicing M900 rear hub

    Seals of the 737-not sure if they fit. 730/732 was what I was thinking. You can also put up a wanted ad, I´m sure lots of knackerd hubs are around.
  4. Dr Dremel

    Servicing M900 rear hub

    If the cone is ok I wouldn´t bother removing it. Aditionally: Replacement cones are pretty bad quality in my experience. Regarding seals: I think the M900 has the same seals as XT or Deore from this period.
  5. Dr Dremel

    Ritchey speedmax tyres...

    Are you sure? It looks cracked around every block of thread.
  6. Dr Dremel

    Bought my first retro mtb. Scott summit. What have a got?

    That´s a shame. My idea would be to heat up the dropout with a blowtorch and bend it back. But don´t take my word for it, IMHO this is something for a professional like @danson67 or @August Bicycles.
  7. Dr Dremel

    Quill stem handlebars

    Usually it´s the external diameter of the fork steerer which is stated when looking for a stem. A "1 inch stem" has 22.2mm quill, "1 1/8 inch stem" has 25.4mm quill. As far as I know Bullmoose stem/bar combos were only available in 1" BITD, so 22.2mm quill (or sometimes 21.1mm/ old BMX...
  8. Dr Dremel

    1 inch threadless sus corrected forks - options?

    The Judy looks too long in my eyes, I suspect that the Ventanas at the time came with a 5-6cm travel suspension fork Ventana only sold framesets, so there was no stock fork at all. Look at this one in an MBA test from Oct 1993: Edit: @bikeworkshop was also right: "The Ventana had a relaxed 70...
  9. Dr Dremel

    1 inch threadless sus corrected forks - options?

    I think when suspension corrected frames became the norm, the industry already moved on to 1 1/8". So finding a 1" suspension corrected fork (threadless or not), is going to be challenging. The only one I can think of is the Fat Chance BOI, and at this point you might as well have a custom fork...
  10. Dr Dremel

    1991 Klein Attitude

    No car bodyshops in your area to do a paint match? I would think finding the right colour is easier than doing the actual repair, especially if the damage is in an area where 2 colours are fading into each other as you can see here with Canuckbikers Attitude.
  11. Dr Dremel

    Bought my first retro mtb. Scott summit. What have a got?

    Yep, middle class bike, but pretty solid condition from the looks of it. No need for a different wheelset IMHO if the rims are not worn down. Give the hubs a service (fresh grease), check the spoke tension and off you go! Front wheel has a bent spoke though, you may want to change that.
  12. Dr Dremel

    Tyre, saddle and chainstay protector logos

    They should be screen (on flat surfaces) or tampon prints. Tires logos can also be vulcanized (prepared pieces of rubber with the logo on them). Unfortunately all techniques for high volume, so much to expensive for reproductions except you already have a business that provides these services. I...
  13. Dr Dremel

    GMBN Top ten retro MTB’s

    Didn´t even notice it´s just 8(9) bikes. Just goes to show what an anorak I am focusing on the "aluminium lugs" of the C-26 🤪
  14. Dr Dremel

    GMBN Top ten retro MTB’s

    It´s nice they do such vids to show the bikes to a broader audience, so I can look over the few detail errors. But Mr Dodd is sorely missing. Reading text and showing pics- I don´t feel the enthusiasm. As to the line up- Is the GT LTS so desirable? I think a true 80´s entry like an early...
  15. Dr Dremel

    Specialized Epic Ultimate

    4.5 grand bid is already in 😳