Recent content by db95

  1. D

    Kona Titanium Serial Number List - update 14/03/25

    Looks like the sellers on here too if you wanted to find out :)
  2. D

    Today's Ride

    Yeah, it's nice to see some variation! I liked what they did a few years back for Greenedge with the black/teal/celeste colourway, or Pantani's 98 celeste/yellow fade job which was then replicated on modern frames for the 20th/25th Giro anniversary. Strangely from looking at Strava logs it...
  3. D

    Today's Ride

    Having kept a keen eye on the weather outlook during the week and being very excited for the weekend, was dismayed to wake up to potentially the worst haze/fog I'd ever seen; took the dog out on the morning and could see to maybe 50ft ahead, then nothing which in those conditions I'd rather be...
  4. D

    Today's Ride

    Third try's the charm! Finally got a ride out on the Bianchi with no mechanical failures doing around 64km/30 miles with 660m/2165ft climbing. 12c and a slight breeze made a nice change from getting battered by the wind like we have for the last few weeks. Definitely took it on some routes it...
  5. D

    Security camera help

    Could perhaps use powerline adapters and an ethernet based camera? Not a camera expert by any means but with no wifi that'd be my first port of call since powerline uses the existing electrical wiring to send data.
  6. D

    Dated this orange patriot! thanks

    Spot on with the 2000 estimate :)
  7. D

    Today's Ride

    OpenStreetMap is great for finding alternate routes, bridleways, cycle lanes etc. Pair that up with Stravas heat maps feature which shows frequently traveled routes, alongside looking at other peoples rides to poach their routes and it's very easy to start linking up different towns via their...
  8. D

    Today's Ride

    Glad to see this thread picking up and so many of you getting out and enjoying the decent weather! We've had the sun up north but it's also been significantly windy to the point it hasn't been worth heading out as it'd be a classic headwind in every direction scenario. Finally eased off today at...
  9. D

    Top of the range

    "Five minute job if you know what you're doing" aka five hour debacle once you realize how shot it is, or it is actually a five minute job but requires fifty quids worth of parts and another fifty of tools. "Kept in storage for x years" chucked in the back of the garage twenty years ago...
  10. D

    Today's Ride

    Yesterday, was meant to be the first proper spin out on the Bianchi but ended up a lesson in checking all bolts when buying used - left crank arm came off mid hill climb with the preload cap completely shearing. One of the crank bolts seemed incredibly loose so best guess previous owner forgot...
  11. D

    Today's Ride

    a very speedy twitchy few miles to get some shopping today; had been speaking back and forth with @bikeworkshop regarding gearing options for my Inbred. Had wanted to change to a 2x setup with similar gearing as road, started eyeing up some Sora 50/34 stuff till I realised there's basically no...
  12. D

    Strangest thing you've seen on a bike ride?

    Gonna go ahead and say a toilet - I don't mean a public toilet, the remains of some WW2 era toilet pit or the result of flytipping, I mean a brand new fully boxed toilet sitting square in the middle of a country lane that very rarely sees any vehicles. My first thought was that it'd fell out of...
  13. D

    Today's Ride

    Blue skies and double digit temps!! Still feels like headwinds in all directions but I'll take a warm wind over one that cuts right through you. 40km, 546m elevation and a lot of smiles.
  14. D

    Setting up front and rear mech’s

    The Parktool vids were pretty useful for me when setting up and indexing an RD for the first time: Worth watching a few times for it to sink in (atleast I had to anyway lol). Regarding the tension and assuming the limits are correct, try fiddling with the barrel adjusters either on the mech...
  15. D

    Today's Ride

    As per last post, today seemed like the nicer weather I'd been waiting for, supposedly 6c with a "moderate" breeze. Nice tailwind the majority of the way into Newcastle, so that's the route for a longer ride mostly figured out. That moderate breeze grew into 20mph headwinds for the majority of...