help Identifying unknown Ritchey from late 80"s

Coquitlam Geoff

Retro Guru
Hey Ritchey aficionados, I recently picked up a Ritchey bike but am unsure as to the year/model. Its 86-89 as it has chainstay XT brakes. The serial number is 7T 001 99. It has the braze on tire pump nipple on the upper seat stay.
Any help in identification would be greatly appreciated. I am guessing based on the Ritchey website that it may be an 87 model may be a Timber wolf? Tig welded.
cheers gents from Vancouver

quick update the serial number is: T7K 001 99


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My best guess 87 Timberwolf tig welded frame though
The brake on pump holder is the mystery
I don’t know which models had the seat stay pump braze on
@dirttorpedo has Ritchey Ultra frame T7K00194 - maybe he can comment on the similarities?
Wow, good memory. Yes, here is the thread to my scabby Ultra with the Tange replacement fork.

OP's photo isn't great, but looks identical to my Ultra right down to the pump peg. Someone wiser than me mentioned that the pump pegs were not added to every Ultra frame BITD. Good information about vintage Ritchey's at this website here:

According to this site the Timber Wolf's were B frames and would have a B in the serial number so I feel pretty strongly you have an Ultra like me. Ultra serial numbers do vary a bit - I suspect that this is because some were made exclusively in the US and others were farmed out to an Asian fabricator at least for part of the build (I think Tom still brazed the fastback stays). I believe mine is an 88 model based on the 7 in the serial number (194th frame in November1987 manufacture is my guess. Maybe T = Toyo).
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Geoff, when I finish rebuilding my Ultra we should get together for a gravel spin - maybe out on the dikes in Pitt Meadows - to compare bikes.

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