unfortunately both bike are broken by now. The pink one got a broken fork. And just recently the aluminium seatpost broke on the red bike broke and its pipe is fused (or corroded) to the frame.
But while looking for a "new" 90s GT for my next couple 1000km i was wondering what i was sitting on all the years.
Can you help me identify? Type and Year?
The pink one probably is form pre 1990. One special thing, it has the rear breaks under the bottom bracket. Its a quite big and unfortunatly kinda rusty frame and i havent found a fork, thats shaft is long enought yet...
The red one i bought from a nice guy for 40€ after the pink one broke some years ago and i just swapped some parts on it. It served me quite some km...but i also have no clue what type/ how old it is...
Maybe someone of you know more

unfortunately both bike are broken by now. The pink one got a broken fork. And just recently the aluminium seatpost broke on the red bike broke and its pipe is fused (or corroded) to the frame.
But while looking for a "new" 90s GT for my next couple 1000km i was wondering what i was sitting on all the years.
Can you help me identify? Type and Year?
The pink one probably is form pre 1990. One special thing, it has the rear breaks under the bottom bracket. Its a quite big and unfortunatly kinda rusty frame and i havent found a fork, thats shaft is long enought yet...
The red one i bought from a nice guy for 40€ after the pink one broke some years ago and i just swapped some parts on it. It served me quite some km...but i also have no clue what type/ how old it is...
Maybe someone of you know more