Show us your disc modded retro


Retro Guru
I know what you’re thinking and you are right, more or less. Original bikes will only be original once and certainly welding brackets on and chopping bits off could be considered an act of vandalism but….
A cheap steel canti frame bought as a project is a costly investment to bring back to catalogue spec and still won’t be original so I believe there is a good reason to mod a retro. There are some bikes that should be left alone but there are lots collecting rust and cobwebs that can be amazing for not much money….
I have seen some fantastic ones on here lately so I wonder if they deserve a show us your disc mod thread……
Two of mine to start with, got carried away as usual but all my shiny bits are like revolving doors and just end up on different frames… IMG_3111.webp IMG_3571.webp IMG_4615.webp IMG_4623.webp
Not at all sorry to have a bike that stops - it's very hilly round here, and if it didn't stop, i would ride something else.
Totally agree with that statement, I fitted the Hope bolt-on rear disc conversion to my GT back in the 90's and it was the best thing I ever did to it. Having enjoyed the joys of hydraulic disc brakes I'd never settle for anything less on any bike I wished to take off-road.

I welded my own mount onto my Kona project 2 forks so I had discs up front as well, that fully rigid bike took me all over that place including up and down both Skiddaw & Helvellyn. Ahh happy memories.
I almost hesitate to put up a photo of my effort on the same post as the stunners pictured above... But will do so in the interests of balance, and to give hope to the mere mortals and bodgers among us 😂

Here's my 1997 Marin Hawk Hill.


Hmm, it actually doesn't look too bad from a distance! Just don't get too close 😂

I used a generic eBay copy of the A2Z disc adapter, of the sort that sandwiches around the rear dropout. They're designed for big flat ally dropouts, and require a bit of fettling with a file to get to fit properly on most retro steel frames. They are somewhat inelegant once fitted compared to the beautiful jobs done by the OP, but functionally it's been spot on.

I didn't bother with a chain stay / seat stay brace on my frame as the rear triangle is pretty hefty and doesn't have much give in it when riding, but I'm not sure I'd be quite as happy with this on a nice light springy frame.

I almost didn't want to make mine *too* nice, since it's purpose is to get me out when it's too wet and muddy to want to bother (hence the full mud guards).

However, while it may not ever be a contender for BotM, it rides ridiculously nicely, very capable but still with bags of retro character.

I like this thread - definitely in line with my take on retro-biking!