Can anyone identify this frame?

Simon Meacock

Retro Newbie
I'm hoping someone on here can help me identify this frame.

History: My father bought this second hand sometime in the early 1970's and used it to get to work for the next 20+ years, and to get into Town. He isn't comfortable riding it anymore (he's over 90 šŸ˜) and so I've taken it on.

We thought it was an Excel (Woolwich, London, UK) and Dad bought transfers from them when he gave it a repaint some time ago, but we have just spoken to the retired owner (his son is taking over), who has been there since the early 1960's, and he is positive it's not one of theirs.

Everyone we have shown the frame to who knows about these things agrees it's a very nice and well made frame, so I want to do it justice.
Frame number 1005181 on the fork tube.


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I'm hoping someone on here can help me identify this frame.

History: My father bought this second hand sometime in the early 1970's and used it to get to work for the next 20+ years, and to get into Town. He isn't comfortable riding it anymore (he's over 90 šŸ˜) and so I've taken it on.

We thought it was an Excel (Woolwich, London, UK) and Dad bought transfers from them when he gave it a repaint some time ago, but we have just spoken to the retired owner (his son is taking over), who has been there since the early 1960's, and he is positive it's not one of theirs.

Everyone we have shown the frame to who knows about these things agrees it's a very nice and well made frame, so I want to do it justice.
Frame number 1005181 on the fork tube.
Canā€™t help with I-d-ing it but itā€™s super-nice
Very pretty lugs. What area did your Father buy the bike in? Did he get any history from the previous owner?
He bought it in Norwich, I think he was just after a bike to get to work on and wasn't that interested in the history. I just about remember him bringing it home (I was pre-teen then I think) and the (large) saddle bag had various junk in it, so I suspect the previous rider had died and the family were selling it on (but no real evidence to back that up).
Still haven't identified this frame, it does look a bit like how Rotrax are done, but the frame number doesn't work for Rotrax.
It fits better as a R.O. Harrison, but I don't know much about them, is there any R.O. Harrison owners on here that might be able to give me some pointers?
This is a very nice frame. It has a full set of ornate ā€œfancy cutā€ lugs which all look like theyā€™ve been thinned down or feathered. Semi wrap over stays and even fancy cut around the top of the seat cluster which you donā€™t see very often. This would have been an unbelievably expensive frame when it was made and would have been hand-build to order and all sizes and options specified by the owner, exactly how they wanted it. It may have originally had a bright flamboyant paint job and there might be some chrome hiding under the black paint on the forks, stays and head tube.

Date-wise, I think itā€™s early 1950s. The lug work is very distinct. Every frame builder had their own style and itā€™s this which will eventually identify the builder. Have you trawled through the frame builders section of the Classic Lightweights site? Itā€™s not the easiest site to navigate these days but there are lots of pictures and you can often find a match.