Curious forks. OCD strikes. Help, please.

Sir Neil d'Menture

Retro Guru
I wanted a pair of forks and asked here kindly came up trumps, and I hope he doesn't mind me using his photo.
The blue ones were spot on size wise so I started cleaning them up.
CA8DBD7B-2DA5-4C0F-8D09-798EB7074770 (2).jpeg
Mudguard lugs have gone, along with the two little braze-ons on the RH leg.
Paint has now been stripped off down to bare metal.
When I cleaned the steerer tube I found a number stamped on there - 052367.
Edit....frame number is 052337. I read it wrong in poor light. Seems like it is from a 1984 Holdsworth.
My simplistic mind says that means 23rd May 1967, presumably date of manufacture.
Purely for reasons of curiosity I started wondering what these forks may be.
Drops outs are Campag. Paint appeared to be original and was of good quality, but no identifying labels or names appeared to have been on there.
I've no idea what the braze ons were; the top one was similar to the chain peg often found on seatstays and the lower one wasn't threaded so can't have held very much.
I know some of you guys can identify forks on a foggy, moonless night from 100 yards away so does anyone have any idea what these may have originally been? Reynolds, Columbus or what, and what bike might they be from?

Long shot I know, but if I don't ask.....
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With the extra boss on the blade they look like forks from a tourer - the boss being for low-rider panniers.
For an odometer perhaps?
Possibly, but how would it stay in place?
There are, sorry were, no marks of use, but that could be because they never had been. The braze ons looked like customer specification rather than a standard fitting.
It's almost as though something was supposed fit over the top one and press into the bottom one, but whatever it was must only have been light as they were in no way load bearing.

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