Senior Retro Guru
This Specialized Stumjumper is a conundrum. I am the second owner. The person I bought this from became over time emotionally detached from the bike and thus, the exact model had slipped their mind. I inquired with general questions to help them recall. When I picked this up, all they said was 'the bike is rather special and was very expensive in the early 90's' and 'the parts are original' (less the tires currently mounted).
I originally thought this to be an 91' Epic (in part due to identification in the Mystery Thread) and honestly since I have owned it, has been hanging on a bike rack in the basement waiting to be worked on. The reason I say this is an Epic is due to pouring over catalog scans and comments in the Mystery Thread. However, a local guy asked about it the other day on why there are welds at the head tube. My first answer was 'well, because these bikes are lugged in either titanium or chromoly'. That was the end of that. This morning I thought, well, I'll take a Neobymium magnet to the frame.
The magnet attracts on all tubes
. Now I have no idea what this bike is. Looking for photos online brings more confusion than identification.
If you would like additional photos, please feel free to ask. A few caveats to pay attention to if you'd like to help solve this mystery:
*the serial number, from what I can read, the black paint at the BB makes this a bit hard to read
*the Shimano chainstay mounted U-Brake was a very limited year optional add-on from Specialized
*the stickers (or lack there of)
*all the parts are original (XT)
*Specialized was notorious for releasing bikes with components not matching the catalog - I have a 1992 S-Works M2 Team where the catalog states Suntour XC Pro but I have a very very late number serial number in full XT, which I also bought from the original owner
Details, details details ALL IN CM:
Serial number: 8915599
Shimano XT M730/733
Top tube (theoretical horizontal plane): 53.5
Top tube actual: 52.5
Bottom tube: 61
Head tube: 8.8
Seat tube: 43
Chainstay: 43
BBody width: 73 mm
Fork steerer length: 12
Fork width: 1"
Stem length: 120 mm
Stem clamp diameter: 25.4 mm
Rear dropout: 135 mm
Front dropout: 100 mm
I originally thought this to be an 91' Epic (in part due to identification in the Mystery Thread) and honestly since I have owned it, has been hanging on a bike rack in the basement waiting to be worked on. The reason I say this is an Epic is due to pouring over catalog scans and comments in the Mystery Thread. However, a local guy asked about it the other day on why there are welds at the head tube. My first answer was 'well, because these bikes are lugged in either titanium or chromoly'. That was the end of that. This morning I thought, well, I'll take a Neobymium magnet to the frame.
The magnet attracts on all tubes

If you would like additional photos, please feel free to ask. A few caveats to pay attention to if you'd like to help solve this mystery:
*the serial number, from what I can read, the black paint at the BB makes this a bit hard to read
*the Shimano chainstay mounted U-Brake was a very limited year optional add-on from Specialized
*the stickers (or lack there of)
*all the parts are original (XT)
*Specialized was notorious for releasing bikes with components not matching the catalog - I have a 1992 S-Works M2 Team where the catalog states Suntour XC Pro but I have a very very late number serial number in full XT, which I also bought from the original owner
Details, details details ALL IN CM:
Serial number: 8915599
Shimano XT M730/733
Top tube (theoretical horizontal plane): 53.5
Top tube actual: 52.5
Bottom tube: 61
Head tube: 8.8
Seat tube: 43
Chainstay: 43
BBody width: 73 mm
Fork steerer length: 12
Fork width: 1"
Stem length: 120 mm
Stem clamp diameter: 25.4 mm
Rear dropout: 135 mm
Front dropout: 100 mm