Wanted XTR M900 Fixing bolt and washer Repros?


Retro Guru
Thought i saw a post some years back offering repro mounting hardware for XTR M900, i.e. bolt and washer for cantilever arm. Spent some time searching to no avail.

I reviewed the Repro - Made in Germany thread and did Not see the hardware on that post.

Can anyone direct me to a source for this?

Cheers, Tim K
Thanks! That was very helpful. I've messaged Vinevo via FB messenger and let him know there are three of us seeking same. Hopefully, he sees my request.
Vinevo responded. He will be getting back onto RBUK shortly and will be reactivating his eBay listing.
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Improve part website sell the items.you are after . I have purchased some items from them ..about two weeks postage but nicely machined items
I have 4 of these original.black brake block holder bolts if.you want to look more oem as the repo ones from.improve part are silver