Wobbly spider


98+ BoTM Winner
Hello lads

Nearly done with my build, but I noticed an annoying wobble in my chainring. It's rather subtle but it's noticeable to the eye, and I was hoping it was bad chainring machining but upon removing the chainring it seems that the spider itself is a wee bit wobbly, about 1mm inwards movement on the two top arms. Do I try to reinstall the cranks which I've done up nice and snug or do I simply put some spacers unto the chainring bolts to even it out?

Its a set of middleburn rs7 with a 104 bcd spider
Alright decided to uninstall the drive side and take a look. It all looks fine to me. I tried rotating the crank around different positions on the spindle, but the result is the same, a slight 1 to 2mm wobble inwards on 2 of the arms. Will this have a huge impact when I am cycling or will it be negligible?


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I have now installed the arm again. Decided to make a video of the wobble. Reckon it'll be fine to ride it? Every part is new and I'd rather not have to go through a return process as I purchased the cranks in the UK. Also they seem fine?

Shame, bought everything new from betd some months ago, guessing it's a machining error then? I've installed everything and it does see to hold the chain, what's the verdict from my retrobike brethren, can I go on?
it would annoy the living bejeezuss out of me
Oh trust me it does but what annoys me even more is the idea of having to deal with EU to UK shipping, sadly. I'm close to going on a bender from this, retiring for the next month due to nuisance. Would it damage the rest of the drive train or would it be alright? I'll probably get another spider from the UK as I fear returning would end up being more time consuming than its worth
if its more than one ring it will be awkward with the front mech cage as you accelerate - 'rrrrr' 'rrrr' 'rrrr'
I reckon I'll keep it assuming that it won't cause any harm to the rest of my drive train except that I'm assuming my sprockets might wear a lot faster. Then I'll order a new spider when funds are sufficient again.

Its coming together.


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