With all the uploading to archive going on we are loosing the credit to the original posters.


Old School Hero
I'm writing this here as I see a huge churn of threads as MKone and others put everything in the archive, I have no objection to this, but I don't think it's right that the community archive that everyone has shared to is uploaded by a couple of folks without mention of the original posters. I thought that was basic etiquette?

It was drawn to my attention by the service instructions I shared here way back in 2010 appearing up top over the weekend without reference to their upload source.

Does this grind anyone else's gears?
For the ones I've uploaded I've added if known or merged the conversation thread if I could find it in here.

I've tagged my name on to some of mkones uploads for one I did or scanned, but not check all.

If you find any, tag you name and link to a post if you have it.

You can also add to the archive now.

This is the first step.

I actually don't like the instructions like Shimano going up with the year number, seems pointless to me when the M number should be used.
But that's how it mk one decided.
I scanned and put a lot of the Shimano instructions up in the Archive (original incl. yours as you know*) but have not gone through them yet.
To be honest it's probably best to go to si.shimano.com anyway since they've added them there, not sure about pre 90s though

Thanks for bringing up
I'll tag @john as he's set it up for us :)
Me and especially @mk one are just robots ;-)

*Seems I didn't add you on the credit on the old archive, probably forgot how, I know I did for other things, sorry.
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I'm writing this here as I see a huge churn of threads as MKone and others put everything in the archive, I have no objection to this, but I don't think it's right that the community archive that everyone has shared to is uploaded by a couple of folks without mention of the original posters. I thought that was basic etiquette?

It was drawn to my attention by the service instructions I shared here way back in 2010 appearing up top over the weekend without reference to their upload source.

Does this grind anyone else's gears?

Hi @misterfixit , thank you for the feedback.

The migration of files from the old archive to the new one is currently a work in progress. Therefore all feedback and comments are appreciated and helpful in refining the format.

Any files that have been taken from threads and uploaded into the new archive have been credited to the original source. All files that have been migrated from archive to archive have for now just been edited and moved across due to the volume.

If you have any files in the new archive that are your own, you can send me details and any links and I will be happy to edit the original post to include these.

As Mark & Ben mention we do make effort to tag & credit original poster. However quite a mammoth task migrating the old archive to new by hand along with uploading content from the scans forum so things do slip through the new. No slight intended.
If there is any content you originally scanned drop me a note and can change to owner of said archive resources to yourself. Think. I'm the only user with such power.
Thats why
Sharing is caring
Thats why my low post count is a good portion of scans...

I’d prefer if the files shared were credited, particularly as lots have been sourced and shared for exactly this.

To answer the other comments, yes si.shimano.com now has a bunch of stuff up, but when I scanned these shimano sheets they didn’t. The shimano archive is also swiss cheese with a good spread of stuff missing. Ones I’ve made a point of uploading here.

Look at the Pacific cyles catalogs. These I credited to mr pacific who shared them to me to share forward after I reached out to him. It’s just the right thing to do.
As stated do try to credit scans and change owner appropriately. Mountain of stuff being migrated so not everything is credited correctly.

If you can point me towards the scans in the new archive originating from yourself can change ownership accordingly. Assume the bulk of the uploads are via this thread > https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/shimano-service-instructions.103764/

Unfortunately cannot change the poster of the auto thread in the scan forum.

https://www.retrobike.co.uk/archive...and-installation-instructions-shark-fin.1014/ < reassigned to yourself as a stater.
When I get the time I'll go through and tag or report who's I can remember gave me them or uploaded them.

Also if anyone reading this has anything they can scan, grab clear high resolution photos from, do it. We/I can always tidy it up for you, it's easier to upload into the archive yourself now or attach the scans to the forum (or email me)

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