Facebook marketplace add here............................ https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/614263917472855/?ref=saved&referral_code=null
This has been the plan all along. For a decade now big Zucker has been trying to crack the code to finally absorb the last few enthusiast circles into the big decrepit Anus that is Fecesbook, and now he's got paid plants in the United Kingdom selling unreasonably low priced bike tat, the equivalent of a white van with the word free candy all over it.Double wow. Mostly XT and the seller went to the trouble of plenty of good pictures! For £20. And I picked up a slightly ratty Dynatech from that area a few weeks back.
Almost makes me want to join Facebook.....
Don't worry, I pulled out of that fact sharing platform a few years back and never returningThis has been the plan all along. For a decade now big Zucker has been trying to crack the code to finally absorb the last few enthusiast circles into the big decrepit Anus that is Fecesbook, and now he's got paid plants in the United Kingdom selling unreasonably low priced bike tat, the equivalent of a white van with the word free candy all over it.
Tread carefully.