Whats with the fashion for no brakes...

BITD Spokey Dokeys were all you needed to make a bike rad. Just out of interest do Spokey Dokeys work with DB spokes or do they fall off?
The saddle pointing skywards is to help perform a trick the yoof calls 'superman seat grab'. Unfortunately most of the yoofs round here find it difficult to bunny hop a curb.
There is a large group of them in my town who have built some crazy looking vertical jumps behind the industrial estate which they now stare at whist spitting, high on 'Relentless' using terms such as 'sick' 'gay' and 'what's appnin'

But it looks cool :roll:
velomaniac":311rgbg5 said:
Only a legal requirement :?

I thought a legal requirement meant you had to have them otherwise its illegal :shock:

I meant only as in the sole requirement and applies to the bike when sold, not in use. This comes from 'The Pedal Bicycles (Safety) Regulations'.

velomaniac":311rgbg5 said:
You must have 2 independent brakes on a bike, a fixie gets around one brake by having the rear wheel in direct control of the rider. A fixie with no brake other than rear wheel control is illegal and any bike with no fitted brakes is illegal.

Which legislation states this? Does it come under 'The Road Vehicles Construction and Use Regulations'?
I saw a kid riding down a hill, dressed all in black, black bike, hood up, music blasting in his ears loud enough for me to hear from the other side of the road and he had his hands in his hoodie pocket. He looked wicked cool!!!
Oh, he had no helmet, obviously!!!! I was going the other way in high vis yellow with a helmet, lights, no music and I was covering the brakes despite riding up hill :LOL:
The Gonz and Troy McMurray were riding brakeless in BMX back in the late 90s but it never really caught on until fairly recently. I ride trails so retain the back brake and I think being able to spin the bars twice is more than enough thanks very much :D

Brakeless in the same category as pink components drilled in every spot, tight jeans and the obssesion for tailwhips EVERWHERE lol

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