Whats with the fashion for no brakes...


Retrobike Rider
Kona Fan
GT Fan
mainly on BMX's, seen lots of kids around my area riding bikes with no brakes, they all trying out for a Darwin award of something!!!!!
I nearly ran one of the idiots over the other day when he shot out in front of me and unable to stop for lack of brakes.......bl**dy fool :roll:
I rode a bike for a while that was brakeless and not a fixie.

Whilst I appreciate it is a most silly thing to do it does help with choosing lines and all that dribble :LOL: I only rode round town not off road :LOL: :LOL:
Isn't it illegal not to have brake(s) fitted ?

I'd personally be put off by the fact it sounds bloody stupid to me, rather than upsetting plod.
markoc":19rg4qe3 said:
Isn't it illegal not to have brake(s) fitted?

As far as I'm aware, it is only a legal requirement that bikes are sold with brakes. However, any consequence of cycling without brakes could leave you liable to prosecution i.e. if you were cycling on a public road and caused an accident as you were unable to stop.
So its cool to have a seat thats so low its useless and now its cool to have no brakes. No handlebars next, then no pedals, no wheels and maybe even no frame. Maybe these kids will grow up thinking it's cool to walk places and not have a car? That would be cool!!!
Only a legal requirement :?

I thought a legal requirement meant you had to have them otherwise its illegal :shock:

You must have 2 independent brakes on a bike, a fixie gets around one brake by having the rear wheel in direct control of the rider. A fixie with no brake other than rear wheel control is illegal and any bike with no fitted brakes is illegal.

No brakes means you will die prematurely !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No brakes = less things to go wrong, no cable to tangle up (gyro's are shite), if you buckle a wheel you can still ride

Slammed saddles keep em out of the way when being sick^rad. Although why they're pointed sphincter-wards is beyond me

I do agree that brakeless is pretty daft, a lot of riders just have the rear brake rather than no brake[/b]
it's like why have trousers on to cover your boxers when all they do is slide down to show your boxers half way down your bum

them crazy yoofs..what will they do next

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