What did we learn today?

But backwards is forwards . You can't move forwards without looking to the past .

I learnt that my new netbook can easily slide off the sofa and its lid is easily scratched :(
This weekend I learned that Bristol bike shops are better than London bike shops for friendliness.

( PLEASE NOTE: the methodology of this research is about as reliable as Specialized's " Numb B0ll0ck " survey that they once used in order to shift a trillion " Nut Channel " saddles and which the ENTIRE world press from the Washington Post to the Framley Examiner now quote at us to show cycling is dangerous for your sperm production ).
that wiping snot and streams of dribble from two cold ridden kids is somehow satisfying,... and maybe just knowing they survived another day with me atleast! god bless em

*Been babysitting one day a week to help some good friends out and enjoying the experience funnily enough lol. They're funny little things at times and wish i could bottle some moments :)
I learnt that the kitchen designer* got it wrong and the new kitchen will not fit as designed.

*not me BTW