Apologies if this is in the wrong spot, I wasn’t quite sure where to post it. I’ve recently purchased a 92 fat chance team yo eddy. The original owner was a bit eccentric and purchased many items that he would store in a huge warehouse. These items came with the bike and I don’t think I need them but I have no idea what they’re worth included are an NOS Giro, hammerhead SC helmet (L) with what I think are special Yo, Eddie decals. A team jersey and what I think is a medium or large, appears to have been never worn. Also an NOS water bottle. A team fat chance ball cap that has some patina to it, and some non-branded might be matching riding gloves last item, fat chance. Yo, Eddie decal approximately 6“ x 6“. I’d love some advice on the value of these items as I am more into the bikes than the gear.