Wanted for my first retro project


Dirt Disciple
Wanted for my first retro project a very cheap bike to learn all the required skills and techniques on before spending any serious money.

Must be:

Steel frame and rigid forks. 17 or 18 inch
In a currently ridable condition to allow the odd ride to prevent losing interest.
As cheap as possible (certainly no more than £50)
willing to post or within 150 miles of Newcastle

Does not need:

viable paint job.(filling dents and painting is part of learning curve)
To have all period kit. The aim is to make it as good as it can be with elbow grease although there will be some money spent on it I am sure.

The eventual aim is for it to be ridden with my little lad on local trails and the odd trail centre visit after he gets his new bike at christmas. I am hoping it might add another dimension to what will be pretty slow and boring rides for me.

So if you have anything that might fit the bill please drop me a line and I will certainly keep you updated on the progress as i go.

Thanks in advance
Am i asking for the moon on a stick here?

I am willing to listen to any advise/pointers on what something is liable to cost me.

Cheers for nay help in advance....
IIRC theres a bike recycling place in Newcastle and I think one of the guys on here is involved. Have you popped by the NE + Yorkshire section? Anyway the bike recycling places occasionally turn up retro gold and will be in your price range :)
Best bet is to look on ebay, search for all bikes nearest first. Pay attention to the ones that are collection only as they'll go for far less than ones offered with postage.
If your patient something will come up in your price range. ibif's tip is good but as mentioned the recycing places are good value if you know what your looking at. On here you'll sometimes get a bargain but mostly it'll be market price. Good idea is top keep an eye on the ebay section.

Price wise on here you will be looking at about £100. I picked up a nice gt for £70 + £40 in petrol costs. Legrandfromage was selling a nice raleigh around this price - not the blue one :-D
just picked this up tonight - 1997 Specialised Hardrock - £30 on gumtree - a few wee scratches here and there but thats all - it's just a case of looking and waiting till you find what you want.


you can also rescue some not too bad stuff from bins and skips