Wanted - 1 1/8" Integrated Stem / Bars 1 piece. - SORTE


Dirt Disciple
I'm looking for a MTB integrated stem and bars combo, Similar to the Fred Salmon 1 Piece pictured here->


Any similar items for sale?

Any information on where I might find one would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you it's exactly what i'm after!

After having a mosey around the Pace website i found...

"RC7×63 Stembar (available late 2011) £79.95"

Apart from that there is very little info on it but by the looks of things.

What makes integrated stem/bar combos so rare? I've found it really difficult to find any!
I would imagine it is mostly folk wanting the options of stem length/rise as well as bar style/width etc, which of course with a combo will be quite limiting as it wouldn't be cost effective to have 20 different variations. I agree the pace combo does look good and in my opinion will look right at home on a retro steed too ;)