Urgent: Kona Explosif serial number help please?


Retro Guru
Hi all, does anyone know what year this is please?

Going to look at it tonight but it’s been resprayed so a quick response would be great.

Been told it’s a 94 but the colour and serial no is throwing me.

It’s: F3092099 I think

Hi all, does anyone know what year this is please?

Going to look at it tonight but it’s been resprayed so a quick response would be great.

Been told it’s a 94 but the colour and serial no is throwing me.

It’s: F3092099 I think
This is my 1995 Kona Explosif with original painting and the catalog page of 1995 Kona.

1995 Kona Explosif from Catalog.png 1995 Kona Explosif (dir).jpeg 1995 Kona Explosif (fr).jpeg
Serial shows a '93 production year, possibly for '94 model year.

Easy to tell if could see whole frame '95 has Max tubes so quite distinct. Also looks like the '93 Kilauea colour, though again would need to see the whole frame.