Put in drill press and drill it out. Should be relatively easy as drill will centre itself due to hole.
If there is enough nipple showing, make a slot with saw/dremel and try to unscrew after applying plusgas. Probs wont work as it is weakener due to drlled hole.
If you get stuck, post to me and i will drill it out, if it is shimano, then can tidy up thread if required, they use M6. PS no guarantees but if i fail, chances are youd have failed too , just dont mangle it too much as it makes it harder to centre the drill,
Eazee outs are wonderful in theory until they snap. The nipple has bottomed out, thats how it seals so wilk be in v. tifht, oersonally i wouldnt risk eezy out (and i aint drilling it out should you attempt and fail)