W winjohn Retro Guru Yesterday at 10:14 #1 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/20529604...w9XYkegyiesOHQtaSa6+GHtA==|tkp:Bk9SR-zJo-WqZQ
R Rod_Saetan Old School Grand Master Feedback View Yesterday at 12:40 #2 Lovely condition, a bargain, 400 miles away.
mynchiboy Gold Trader Feedback View Today at 14:49 #3 Rod_Saetan said: Lovely condition, a bargain, 400 miles away. Click to expand... As Bontrager himself would probably say: cheap, decent, far - pick two!
Rod_Saetan said: Lovely condition, a bargain, 400 miles away. Click to expand... As Bontrager himself would probably say: cheap, decent, far - pick two!