Stone Roses reunion

Dad lives in blackley so might go to this one, seen them bitd at fac51 and agree vocals were dodgy but that was the case for the mondays and new order, did not stop them being feckin cool. Agree that was a long walk Si.

Take it they are doing a more extensive tour than madchester?
Wonder if John Squire has ever popped in here to have a look at the Yeti's?

Bet he's got a Disk Drive tucked away somewhere.
al":vn8x4n52 said:
Dr S":vn8x4n52 said:
I used to walk though Heaton Park every day when i lived in Didsbury. Still have friends there so getting bed space isn't an issue. Still undecided wether to go or not. Some things are sometimes left in the past.

Reni- best drummer ever! Can't wait to hear what he's been doing over the last 15 years. There was a demo doing the rounds about 12 years ago that he played all the instruments on as well as the vocals which was brilliant. Lost my copy many moons ago much to my regret.

Blimey! That's hell of a walk. ;)

I'm a Northenden boy that lived in Didsbury for about 6 years. When and where did you live?

I was lucky enough to have friends who knew the band and went to many gigs. The best of which were the early ones,especially the International 1, fantastic night, what I can remember!!


Men They Couldn't Hang as well, great times at the Internationals, both of 'em. I remember losing one of my boots moshing to the Inspirals and throwing the other on to the stage, spent a great night then walked home barefoot with my pals to Altrincham! :)
rosstheboss":1cg1v3xk said:
I think I may be the only British person that thinks they're completely over rated and couldn't give a monkeys....

No. You're not.

Was in Manchester this Feb with for the track world cup and spent a couple of mornings when there was no racing doing shopping. The whole Stone Roses thing has turned into the Manchester equivalent of kiss me quick hats - every clothes shop had a Stone Roses related t-shirt.

Really can't see what all the fuss was about - now - or then. The second album was better than the first but IMHO the last great band to come out of Manchester was the Smiths. And before that Joy Division. The Stone Roses were just another OK band doing 60s inspired rock at a time when there were loads of OK bands doing the same. I spent that period listening to the likes of Soundgarden and Mudhoney - and didn't get back into British music again until Pulp broke through.
dbmtb":1ee6tpnf said:
rosstheboss":1ee6tpnf said:
I think I may be the only British person that thinks they're completely over rated and couldn't give a monkeys....

No. You're not.

Was in Manchester this Feb with for the track world cup and spent a couple of mornings when there was no racing doing shopping. The whole Stone Roses thing has turned into the Manchester equivalent of kiss me quick hats - every clothes shop had a Stone Roses related t-shirt.

Really can't see what all the fuss was about - now - or then. The second album was better than the first but IMHO the last great band to come out of Manchester was the Smiths. And before that Joy Division. The Stone Roses were just another OK band doing 60s inspired rock at a time when there were loads of OK bands doing the same. I spent that period listening to the likes of Soundgarden and Mudhoney - and didn't get back into British music again until Pulp broke through.

Well I can understand all that, but to be frank, if you cannot understand why the Roses are so great after listening to I Am The Resurrection, you really are not going to get it, it is all down to personal choice. :)
misteroo":k7fg7aa8 said:
rosstheboss":k7fg7aa8 said:
misteroo":k7fg7aa8 said:
rosstheboss":k7fg7aa8 said:
Wu-Tangled":k7fg7aa8 said:
I think I might be the only British that thinks the second album is way better than the first (which is way better than many things out there).

I think I may be the only British person that thinks they're completely over rated and couldn't give a monkeys....

I presume your going to The Steps reunion instead then??

:cool: ;)

Ha! More like looking forward to our xmas do, where I will going to see Def Leppard supported by Motley Crue!

I just don't understand what all the fuss is about - there were plenty of other bloody good bands around at the time, I don't see why the Stone Roses have been singled out and elevated to the level of gods. That and the fact that everyone I've spoken to that likes the Stone Roses says something like "But you weren't theeeeeeeeeere man!" when I mention I think they're shite, like they're in some sort of 'Nam film, does my nut.

Uh oh! Used to love Motley Crue........Def Leppard bit poncy for my liking, bit like all the Bon Jovi stuff since New Jersey!!......

People have their own opinions and views, and I respect that. Its great we have different tastes. But I just remember at the time how amazing the whole thing was, this young band breaking through with this fresh new sound. It was pretty special, the sound of a generation.
To be voted one of the greatest debut albums in the history of music is a pretty big achievement and you have to respect them for that.

To be honest, I'm not to fussed about Leppard, the Crue are the main event, I mean who wants to watch a group of ex-junkie musician nobheads get paid to relive former glories anyway?
al":2vuhyrv2 said:
Dr S":2vuhyrv2 said:
I used to walk though Heaton Park every day when i lived in Didsbury. Still have friends there so getting bed space isn't an issue. Still undecided wether to go or not. Some things are sometimes left in the past.

Blimey! That's hell of a walk. ;)

I'm a Northenden boy that lived in Didsbury for about 6 years. When and where did you live?


I didn't walk from Didsbury. :LOL: I worked up that way for a spell and the park was a nice lunchtime escape from football talk.

I lived on Claremont Grove (just of Barlow Moor Road) from around 1997 to 1999 when we moved to Northumberland. Lived in Withington and Fallowfield before that.
Loved Didsbury. A really nice place. Nice walks along the river down towards Northenden.

I always remember Didsbury as some real life Stella Street. On our first day there we discovered that Charlatans front man Tim Burgess lived over the road, the house next door was being used to film Cold Feet, and on our first weekend we went out for a meal and ended up sharing a table with Mani and his girlfriend. Dave from Monaco lived a few doors down and became a good friend and most sunday afternoons were spent in the Metropolitan with Damon Gough and verious members of Audioweb and Doves.
Happy days.