So who has an E-bike then ?

so much fun, although i will point out that usually when i ride coed y brenin on a normal bike my legs feel tired, on the e bike i tend to ride further so i still get the leg ache at the end of the ride, i tend to use only eco mode up there as those hills can really eat in to the battery, but the thing i notice most about riding the e bike there is the upper body work out aches, at the end of the day the e bikes are much heavier, so man handling them down the rocky rough trails is more of a work out there, i feel like i have been doing bench presses, something i don't get riding my orange 5.

Every ebiker I know claims they are harder work than a normal bike and that eco-mode only compensates for the weight of the bike 🤣. But there's also truth in the the adage, that most ebikers are 15 stone, and used to be 12 stone before they got one. Apparently, their belly makes them more aero or something.
Yep I've just got one (Jan ), 500 miles down and loving it , same distance in less time or a lot further in same time , don't plan routes to avoid big hills anymore so more fun going down , example of how it rides is did the Riggs n gullies ride to check route (not ridden it for couple of years ) in 3.5 hours and came back with nearly flat battery (eco all the way but pushing it ) 2 days later did same ride with others , much steadier pace (motor off quite a bit) and came back with 3/5ths battery left as riding with mix of proper bikes and bikes , what it did was allowed me to check the route (I was leading it ) and the ride it comfortably 2 days later so the whole group had a good day out . Still 11 n a bit stone though

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