Show us what you did today, thread


In defence of the Jones, I don't think he's ever said one size fits all but fits many. One of the principles behind the bike is a more upright riding position. This really is less dependant on accurate sizing, because the angle between your arms and torso is more acute than a regular mtb a standard top tube length with stem and post swaps can accommodate normal sized people. Velo and Jamie need not apply. He does make some very convincing videos arguing his case, certainly worth a look.
Re: Re:

kaiser":24mg9wdw said:
In defence of the Jones, I don't think he's ever said one size fits all but fits many. One of the principles behind the bike is a more upright riding position. This really is less dependant on accurate sizing, because the angle between your arms and torso is more acute than a regular mtb a standard top tube length with stem and post swaps can accommodate normal sized people. Velo and Jamie need not apply. He does make some very convincing videos arguing his case, certainly worth a look.

So basically anybody between these different size ranges?

Kaiser wrote:
Velo and Jamie need not apply

How dare you sir :!: :shock: ;)

RobMac wrote:

Aaw right I'll come clean, its not the bike its the bars they just defy logic :?

Clubby wrote:
I can see for non technical long rides they would be good, but for me I'd like less angled back sweep and more width.
Agree with Barry about the pricing btw. Unfortunately that just the way with low volume niche products. Same could be said of MTB products on the whole though. And don't even get me started on fat bike tyres :evil:

I don't quite agree about the niche stuff, as he does clearly bring a premium to anything Jones branded. Both my Pugs and my 1X1 I have ran the Titec H bars, which were licenced from Jones. At the time he only produced Ti bars and so the Aluminium bars were licenced to Titec, most likely built in the same factory. Titec bars retailed for £63 and I bought one of the last pairs from Jelle at singlespeed central a few years back. Jones decided he would now make the alu bars and so withdrew the licence. Bars are still made in the same factory so don't buy into tooling cost type bullshit and then branded Jones. Only difference was overnight the price went to a retail of £105!
I just don't buy into the Jones are so expensive because he is a niche maker. He sells plenty of volume of frames around the world and they are made in the same Taiwanese factories as everyone else yet a steel frame price is astronomical. Each to his own and there is a market for everything but its been a long time since Jones was a poor bloke making low volume niche machines. They are his designs and quite nice I believe, especially the truss forks but I don't buy into the bollocks associated with it.


A so it twas that Jeff Jones came to Retrobike. Good move Rob.

I'm still a fan. Then again my wife calls me a marketing man's dream. It will be an itch I'll need to scratch one day.
Please excuse the non riding posting. Thought I would post anyway :p

On Friday I had taken the day off work to drive down to the inlaws at Loch Lomond as on Saturday I had a solo canoe course to attend at Castle Semple.
The original plan was for me to attend the solo course from 9 to 11.30am and then for Heather and I to do a tandem course from 12 to 3pm and then attend a talk that was being given in the evening. best laid plans and all that, things went amiss on the Wednesday when our dog Spot received his call up to get a 9 month old nerve problem with his tail fixed, by amputation on Thursday. That meant Heather wouldn't be able to attend and she also told me I should still definitely go.
This wasn't just the course as while it was good it was more about being instructed and guided by the tutor, who was canoeing legend Becky Mason and her husband Reid. They had come over from Canada for a bit of a tour in Europe and were heading to Ireland after this week paddling with friends from near Glasgow. It was their friend and main man from the Song Of the Paddle forum, John who had organised the weekend.
I ended up doing the solo course after starting the morning getting a few things organised with John as he had kindly loaned me a canoe to save me hauling mine all the way south.
It was a great course, very down to earth, super friendly and very helpful. Lots of tips and tricks for solo paddling. I am alright normally but I am generally tandem as most of the time its easier with the kayak if I am on my own, but much prefer the canoe. While a very useful and useable knowledge it was also the chance to be taught by such a renown canoeist. For those that maybe don't know who Becky is, it is maybe best put that showed Ray Mears how to best paddle solo, has canoed all over the earth and has given classes and instruction to many, many people, her knowledge of and skill of paddling is probably only surpassed by her fathers, the legendary Bill Mason.
So a great mornings paddling and making new friends, which was good as I never really knew anyone from the forum beforehand, except for Barry but unfortunately due to his back he couldn't make it. A shame mate, but hopefully you'll be right for Knoydart.
After lunch I had a quick turnaround and headed back up the road around 1.30. Stopped at Brian's for a cuppa on the way and watch him unpack a new Fatbike for a friend from the USA who only needed the frame sent across and will pick up the rest when he is over for next years Strathpuffer. It was a nice Cube Nutrail :)
Anyway home and up Sunday for the continuing rain lashing down, only it didn't matter because I sat on my backside and watched Paris Roubaix :)
A great weekend, paddling, bikes, doesn't get any better than that :)

Just thought I would share, if its not appropriate for macretro let me know and I'll delete it.


DSCN2339 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2344 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2340 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr