Show us what you did today, thread


Agree with the Stooge, been following the story from the beginning and wished I'd went for one. Every bike purchase now has to be justified and unfortunately the Stooge disnae fit in, maybe one day though.
The plan originally had been to do an Audax ride yesterday, but with the crappy weather and a up and down week with the family having colds, throat infection etc I didn't really feel I had it in me to do 200klms against the clock. I decided last night just to put some miles in locally and just casually go for a few hours out.
A late night text to Brian and I had a riding buddy to join me.
Brian arrived about lunchtime and we set off with just a vague plan, an eye on the weather and a shared plan to just see where we ended up.
The broad route was really to head south, staying on the singletrack roads as much as possible, then head east towards Wick, maybe head from there out towards Groats, then back west to my place for dinner. Stopping along the way as usual for whatever took our eye. The weather was a mixed bag, dry though sometimes threatening rain, sometimes sunny and with a decent breeze for the first half. We ended up doing about 70klm with a few stops, one for a sandwich and coffee and another for a while at a 2000 year old Broch, this was well off the road down near the cliffs and with only a tiny sign post on the main road. Once down near the cliffs there was then maybe a couple of hundred metres of track and there it was. Open, exposed and slightly overgrown but it was clearly a broch, similar to Skara Brae on Orkney. The main section had a clear firepit and hearth and easily recognisable compartments. We spent a fair time there as it was such a cool spot. I felt a bit weird as while it had been logged and sections excavated over the years it seemed a bit neglected. Though no worse than the Victorians who had dismantled some of it to take the stone to build a monument to the site that was now incomplete because some of the stone was missing :roll:
Time was getting on when we got round to leaving and so headed out towards groats with the plan now being to head up the hill, about 3 miles, and cut the section of the peninsula and Groats out. Head along the high road above the sea on the other side for the few miles home. I suppose it could be a coast to coast and back ride, we went from the Pentland Firth, (edge of the Atlantic) to the North Sea and then back to the Atlantic.
Cloud was hazy on the last stretch and with not long back the rain started so we were lucky. Once again it was a good ride with the highlight being the Broch. There are quite a few about this area but I had never known of this one.
Thanks to Brian for coming all the way up here with just a vague route plan. It was a good ride out as usual.
A few pics below and hope everyone else had a good weekend as well.


Lunch Stop

Brian at the tiny Broch information sign

Looking down on the main chamber with the Victorian monument in the background

The main chamber


Trucker on the cliff

Where are the trees and the sun? its getting late

Nearly home, Stroma on the right and Hoy in the background

Good stuff guys, love these posts bud. Reckon I need to get up there sometime, if you're doing your diy audax again give us a peep.
As usual my plans went a bit out the window this weekend but its been a good one despite not going to plan.
I originally had taken tomorrow and Tuesday off work to go away for a few days on the Trucker camping. Was going to head across to Durness and then down the west coast. A few days riding, camping and chillin before the weather closes in. Anyway after a few unexpected car issues (replacing two nearly new tyres due to cuts) and the little man not being too well it was decided to postpone it and maybe incorporate it into the family holiday next month.
So after watching the world championships yesterday and getting some painting done this morning I procrastinated about heading out for a couple of hours. I got my act together at lunch and headed out on the Merckx just after 1. The weather was good with cloudy skies but only a light breeze from the south west.
I decided to head along the north coast and see how far I got in a couple of hours and then turn round and head for home. Try and be back for about 5.30 or so. I haven't been across the north coast route for a while and figured I may get to about Melvich or so if I was lucky. There's a few decent climbs along the top as the road climbs from sea level up and over the high ground to avoid the cliffs. Started with a slight headwind but figured I would catch the tailwind on the run for home when I needed it. I hadn't been on the Merckx for over a month as the Trucker and 1X1 have been seeing all the use so after topping the tyres up and bending a bit lower for the bars we were off. Jesus! these 23c tyres seem a bit harsh after being spoiled by the 2.1's on the Trucker :)
One thing for sure was that I was on a far lighter machine and I was travelling at a far faster pace. The climbs were dispatched with the usual effort and a bit of pain towards the end but a look at the speed showed that even on the climbs the pace was higher, as to be expected I suppose as it is a case of horses for courses.
Went out past Kinbrace turnoff to Melvich which is just a bit further. The turnaround was a killer as its a major climb out back past the turnoff. Did a couple of detours one with a short bit of dirt and then some narrow tarmac, overgrown and rough but am sure it was part of the old road. It was a a good run back down from the high ground into Reay, where I stopped for a bag of crisps, mars bar and a water bottle top up. Debated on the way back wether to go slightly inland which was shorter but in the end stuck to the coast and back past Dounray then into Thurso. Once in Thurso I knew I wasn't far from home and the last 12 kilometres went by pretty easy. Back home for 5.30 and cleaned, me and my stuff, bike away and sat down to watch the world championships. Sat there watching with Caleb, Heather and my mother in law while we ate dinner of Heathers lovely fajitas.
Lifes not too bad :)
I did about 86klms in about 4 and a bit hours so not too bad for solo and stopping for food and pics etc. It was a nice day, nice ride. Topped off by a cracking worlds.
Hope everyone else had a good one, especially Clubby :)


Looking back over Thurso from the west, Dunnet Head in the background

Looking west from Dounray , Dounray instillation in foreground

Looking up the road west of Reay

Not many trees up here

Looking back east with Dounray in the background

Looking west on the way down the hill to Melvich

An off road detour. Only went about a kilometre and assume by its looks that it was the old road

Looking west
before riding to the bottom of the valley, then turning round

The flowers at the feed stop at Reay. A bit of colour

Heading back into Thurso. I live just a few miles from the other side of the water. Its a long way round rather than across, from this angle :)
Aye guys, looks like it was nice to ride about in , weather not too bad either.
I like it when theres a point or destination rather than an A-B-A :cool:

Today im still doing my coffee table prototype.

I had visions of something nice 1950's SiFi in the leg area portraying the industrial look that you would expect to see in a flying saucer(Table theme)

Somehow I ended up with Cabriole style legs :facepalm: :LOL: :LOL:
There still a row of circular cutouts(think girder/beam type look) and some side sections to complete the H profile but still :facepalm:

A LOT of shape sanding to do today.


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