Show us what you did today, thread

epicyclo":k5wz4glb said:
Nice thing about Surlys.

Buy one and you get a brand new retro bike. :)

Sorry I think you mean buy one get (at least) 6 free (well not really) but you know what I mean!

SS, Rohloff or derailleur, V's or disc's take your pick and dont even start counting the bottle mounts :facepalm:

I forgot to mention Rob nuts, I mean Bob nuts to connect your Bob Yak trailer :shock:
Re: Re:

kaiser":2uqvqqpm said:


These 2 are what it's aw aboot for me. Being in places like that, looking at what's all around you, that feeling of calmness when you breathe in, then out, all your worries just leave your body.

Jeez, I need tae get oot in the hills again. :facepalm:

OCP, both of those pics were preceded by lots of sitting and soaking it up. Cannae wait to get back.

Rob, saw a nice looking Troll in Bothy Bikes, it was fitted with 650b+ as well, kinda dicked about with the handling but I believe the owner is happy with it. They are amazingly versatile machines.
Most Surlys are pretty versatile as bullpup says.
Klaus, I think we have to bring back the old macretro epic rides and I think you should lead us back up there next easter to kick it off :)
Beautiful looking ride :)

Now I've seen a Stooge I'm even more not into Surly's, sorry guys, your bikes are great but that purple Stooge at SSUK with the 3" 650B tyres was very very nice. Still cant afford one though but the F&F are very competative with Surly products.

As for the epic scenery, that is fantabulous, we were discussing how great Torridon was at SSUK.
That Stooge is pretty versatile Velo :)
The fact that both you and I fit on the same demo bike means that the one size fits all works :)

The Stooge is good but not quite ready to let go of my 1X1 or Surlys Velo.
Surlys rule Velo, now get back to work ;)
