Shimano Msystem cantilever pads


Sbike Fan
Gold Trader
Has anyone got any experience with these?

They're the only canti pads my LBS has, and I simply can't get them to work.
With these pads on my 503, I could barely get the rear wheel to lock up if I applied a lot of force on both brake levers.

2 days ago, I took the bike to another LBS, who simply tossed the pads in the bin and fitted a different type (no idea which ones, they have no markings on them).
Now the bike does endos so easily that it feels like God himself lifts the rear wheel up whenever I look at the brake lever.

Did I have a bad set or are they just plain rubbish?
I have a few more sets, so I'd like to make sure before I put any of them on another bike.
I've never liked shimano pads. I think they are quite hard as they don't work that well and are fairly abrasive on rims. They sound bad (like abrasive bad) when they get hot too.
I have had the same problem with them. Scuff the pads, clean the rims, adjust and readjust and they just don't work. Different levers, different bikes, same results.

I was always happy with Kool Stop Eagle Claws on my cantis.
Guess that's it then.
3 full sets of brake pads in the thrash. (I don't sell or give away parts that I don't consider fit for their purpose, nevermind something as important as brakes)

Time to find out what I have on the bike now, and buy some more of those. They really transformed the way I ride the bike. Now I don't have to plan ahead anymore, so it's become a lot faster.