Shimano m730 black

I think it prefer the finish on @Dr Dremel 's to the original which had a more glossy paint style finish (at least the M730's), really nice. :)
Ha, good eye! I decided not to polish them but leave them slightly brushed for a satin finish. But I had to talk to the platers so that they do not etch them again in Sodium Hydroxide (which would have dulled them further).
Not very long at all! The toothpick was just used to crudely stipple the color into the script. Excess could be wiped away easily as the relief is quite deep. All in all I had maybe 4 hours in the crankset, including packaging, searching for the Sodium crystals, getting in contact with the platers etc. The majority of the work was sanding the marks of 30y of use. Patience? Well I admit I just enjoy this kind of meditative work☺️

Hm, black hubs may not show the same wear, but they always appear in the wrong variation. 32L when you need 36, 135mm when you need 130mm. And then there seem to be different definitions when the bearings are "smooth".
I´d say it´s a draw between cranks/hubs!
Tell me about it! Here’s my mismatched ‘set’ - 32H rear, 36H front…