Shed security checklist


Old School Hero
I'm in the process of upgrading a 17'x11' shed and am looking for best advice on securing bikes within it.

So far my list includes:

Decent hasp lock and padlock on the door
Big effin chain and ground anchor to go through all the bikes.
MA30 alarm

I might have to just set the anchors in a large bucket or one of those long planter's as the shed is on flags and I'm unable to lift any to set it into the ground. Would this suffice?

What should I do about the single pane windows?

Is it overkill to build a ring-fence cage in one corner to house the bikes as an additional layer?

Any ground anchor and chain recommendations?

Any other thoughts on shed security?
It is very hard to stop the professional thieves if they are determined to get your stuff. The main purpose of security measures like locks, chains and alarms is to deter the casual thief. If it looks like a hassle they will move on to the easier target. So make it noisy and a hassle.
Decent lock on the door. Hidden hinges or if on the outside use coach bolts. Alarm the door. Chain all the bikes together inside the shed. Much more than that is probably overkill.

However, the best way to stop all thieves is for your items to be invisible. If they don't know it's there, they can't steal it. You can work out best how to achieve that depending on your circumstances, but don't advertise is the main point.

Yep I realise any lock can be cut but my aim is to make it too much hassle to bother especially with a noisy alarm going off. I'm fully insured but it's not just about the money.

Any suggestions for securing windows or any chain/anchor recommendations. I've seen almax suggested but are incredibly expensive.
upgrade all the hinges, and any visible screws with coach bolts.
If it has a window, board it up. If you really need the light from the window, put steel mesh over it from the inside
Rather than a padlock fit a dead lock, internal locks are the most secure. CCTV is also a big deterrent too.
Check how easy the roof detaches from the walls - friends of mine have had their roofs lifted and slid back (either typical shed or old school corrugated guttering).

Great suggestions!

So adding to my list:

Deadbolt lock instead of hasp. It may need to be an upgraded deadbolt night latch as the doors aren't thick enough for an internal lock.

Cctv. Easily done.

Board or mesh the windows.

Get some L brackets to secure the roof down.

Hinges are internal so not sure if they're worth upgrading?

Any thoughts on the cage idea?

Also thought about a decoy bike... something inexpensive with a flimsy cable lock around it. I'll need all the space available though so maybe not.

I'd add a security light outside (either on the side of your house pointing towards the shed, or else somewhere else fairly high up, so it can't easily be covered over).

Insurance, make sure the bikes you really value have some kind of insurance cover. And use Smartwater or similar to mark them invisibly so they can be traced back to you if recovered.

Personally I wouldn't go over the top with security measures. A few good locks, a fairly secure door and windows (covered over/blocked out?)etc. And as said already, don't advertise what you have.
Something to think about is how secure is the area your shed is in?

If your shed/plot cannot be viewed by neighbours/road etc, once they are in your garden they can take as long as they like and be as careful (or not) as they need to be. Tools from neighbouring sheds are often used to get into others. If you're on good terms, make sure everybody is secure as shed burglaries are often done in groups or a few in one street.

History Man has a good point, I'm fortunate in that my bicycles can be kept indoors - I've plenty of space and my garage is not in view of passers-by.

However, I would add that if your shed is in view you should take a stealth approach to security: because if that security is too visible then the light fingered brigade will assume there's something worth nicking.

Replace standard shed glass with either Lexan or the armoured variety-and fix it properly...grills are ugly and not stealthy.


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