Rock shock SIDs with cantilevers?


Retro Guru

I’m trying to use 1998/1999 rockshocl SIDS with cantilever brakes. I wanted to use the hole originally for the reflector to mount a bridge. Thought it wouldn’t be load bearing but having read someone stating it wouldn't be safe as it will take load, I’m now doubting it!

Any opinions welcomed,


given that's the only location for a canti hanger, the very fact there's a drilling there implies it's ok.

By about 2000 most suspension forks had done away with the hole, so either there was no longer any need, or they were sick of fighting claims by cantilever brake users.

Probably the first one.
given that's the only location for a canti hanger, the very fact there's a drilling there implies it's ok.

By about 2000 most suspension forks had done away with the hole, so either there was no longer any need, or they were sick of fighting claims by cantilever brake users.

Probably the first one.

The hole, as in the OP's original post, is for a reflector, they were being designed for V-brakes in '98 and no longer canti's hence no mount.
given that's the only location for a canti hanger, the very fact there's a drilling there implies it's ok.

By about 2000 most suspension forks had done away with the hole, so either there was no longer any need, or they were sick of fighting claims by cantilever brake users.

Probably the first one.
2000 rockshox still had the hole.

They had two reflector hangers, one hanger less for the V-Brake arch, one hangered for the canti arch.

It's position is based on the original pre suspension designs and followed through. It was a place for a reflector* and had the added advantage and old style straddle would carch on it. (hanger wd version has to proteude past the straddle hence two types.

Rockshox never sold and rocker or cable stop for them.

I assume they stopped because they found it wasn't their responsibility to have a place to mount a reflector and they could improve the brace without it.

The DH (proper ones, not just longer XC) forks never had one as far as I know.

*or mud guards, I don't know what came first, well bolt though calipers may have been first?
If you go for one of the mounts rather than rockers, look for one that has a lip at the bottom. This will stop it rotating and may also add a bit of pressure relief from the single bolt through the brace. Also, use a bolt with a locking thread to keep it tight.
I made and mounted a canti cable guide post for my 1998 Sid. I just screwed it onto the m6 hole that's on the bridge. NEVER had a problem whatsoever. The cable mount hasn't even deformed from the minimal brake force applied to it let alone the fork getting damaged
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