Ringle Mojo's


Old School Hero
Dear community

Maybe this has been asked before, and maybe even only a short while ago, but I simply cannot find the info if that is the case. If so, I do apologize for asking again.

I am starting a build which I would like to have period correct, which in this case means more precisely 1991. So parts not available by then must be omitted.

Now, I have checked the various catalogs on here, but can only find Mojo's in the 1996 catalog. Text indicates they have been available for some time (years??) but question is, when we're the Mojo's released to the public?

Any info is more than welcome and highly appreciated


I am 100% sure you could get them mid 1995ish. I've got older mtb actions and the mojos appear starting in 95. Oddly so does a copy (not the vanguard or Tektro) of the ringle mojo. I couldn't find anything in my 1994 mags and I have most so I assume 95 is the starting point.

I wondered the same when I did my 94 brodie - went with original moon units. That said - I've got a 1991 build coming together and it's got mojos ;)

Thanks Jimi

I got the same impression as you. Mojo's had been around in the golden era, but not for that long.

I am thankful for your investigation into old magazines. Only uncertainty would be if importe/manufacturer did not advertise from start, which would be total nuts.

So no Mojo's for this one, although I hear it can be done ;)
