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The Retrobike Rides Monthly Newsletter - May 2011
Retrobike Rides have now been going strong for many years. They have evolved from a couple of dodgy looking characters meeting in the woods to ride their retro pride and joys to groups of up to 40 enthusiasts meeting up to enjoy their bikes, company and trails.
In doing so a friendly atmosphere has been created and good riding manners developed, giving Retrobike Rides unique qualities and banter. As always with Retrobike Rides, everyone is welcome and made to feel welcome.
All abilities are catered for with the rule being we only get round as fast as the slowest person, with short cuts and chicken runs being planned into the routes.
If this appeals to you, please come and join in at one of our National or Local events.
The Yorkies take on Cut Gate, the dark Peak during April’s 3 tribes ride.
The Retrobike National Events Calendar 2010/11
With support from
Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler - Cancelled due to weather.
Rd 2 - Thetford - Jan 23rd (Sunday)
Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler re-run - February 12th (Saturday)
Rd 3 - Forest of Dean - 14th May (Saturday)
Rd 4 - BDW - TBC (Weekend, main ride Saturday)
Rd 5 - Drumlanrig - August 14th (Sunday)
Rd 6 - Mr. K's Day in the Peaks - Sept 10th (Saturday)
Rd 7 - Final Round (TBC) - Oct/Nov*
With the usual annual Retrobike attendance at:
- The Hell of North Cotswolds (Sunday April 10th 2011)
- Mountain Mayhem (Weekend of June 17th-19th 2011)
*The final round has been opened up for all regions to submit a bid to organise and host it. We’ll then post up their plans and every Retrobike member will have the opportunity to vote on the most popular idea. The event with the most votes will become the season finale for 2011.
Around the Regions
MacRetro - Contact Kaiser, The Ken, Clockworkgazz or Big Eck for more details.
Area PoTM
Saw MacRetro finally shrug off the winter hibernation with a bang. An adhoc meet up at the bings at big eck 's got the ball rolling and the guys headed up to laggan for a demo day. MacRetro also chalked up another classic on Skye
Will see a possible Thrunton sortie and a raggedy bunch heading for 10 Under the Ben. As well as a few randoms. If your feeling the need pop into the section and get yerself onto a ride
North East England & Yorkshire - Contact (AEC is vacant (please PM me if interested), chrisV40 or Kaya for more details.
Area PoTM
Last month it was the classic Three Tribes meet with the North West and Midlands chaps.
Riding condition were perfect and it was an eventful day for men and machines. aftermath HERE
We have two events this month, first on the MAY 5th- Global Nightride,
unfortunately there's been no ride organized but we would like to see your pics from your nightride.
Next its the main event MAY 21st- Thrunton Woods, Northumberland.
Why not check out the Announcement Here
North West England & North Wales - Contact drystonepaul, mr_ship, Harry Crumb (North West England) mrkawasaki or Sidewinder (North Wales) for more details.
Area PoTM
With a distinct lack of showers, the great weather inspired two more great rides in April. The slate trails of Penmachno and the hills of Mid Wales provided a scenic and challenging ride for a small group of riders on the 9th.
A couple of weeks later the annual Three Tribes meet began in Edale for the NWA riders. Another hot and sunny day in the Peak District meant dusty trails and several thirsty mountain bikers nearly drank the pub dry when we all met up.
With only Round 3 of the Retrobike National Series penciled in on the NW&NWA Calendar we're open to suggestions for any other local ad-hoc riding this month. So keep checking in on the NW&NWA thread for more...
As always, come and say hello on the North West England & North Wales area section.
East Midlands - Contact Orange71 or rc200ti for more details.
Area PoTM
Very busy month for the East Midlands group. We had the usual Tuesday night rides in Derbyshire and Leicestershire as well as a series of weekend morning rides, a Royal Wedding dodging ride and day rides out into the Peaks - including the fabulous Three Tribes event, details of which here.
Promises to be equally busy with ongoing Tuesday night rides, the first of which will be in Nottinghamshire (details will be announced in this thread. Some of us are attending the Forest Of Dean ride.
In the East Midlands we have also launched a new Route Resource where you can see the routes we do each week so if you are in the area you can have a go at some of them yourself (or give us a call and we'll show you round). The more recent ones have more detail e.g. distance, height gain, start point, summary of features etc.
Night rides will continue every Tuesday. Details here.
South and West Midlands - Contact Chris or Ededwards for more details.
April in the Midlands was kicked off in grand style with HoNC viewtopic.php?t=144974 and then followed up by preparing for Round 3 of the Retrobike National Series by going global a couple of weeks later (yes, those are NOS Taperlites in the bag).
May sees Round 3 in the Forest of Dean with a good turnout indicated (rumours that Jihn Donne may show up are just that, rumours) - the summer starts here.
Anglia - Contact Cannondaleking, REKIBorter or Lou74 (Anglia) for more details.
Area PoTM
Bikes grow on trees round these parts
The Anglian boys have had a busy month. We started with a small meet at Thetford which was hot, dry and dusty. The dry weather brought out a few more for a meet hosted by Cannondale King. Setting out from his house we made our way over to Fritton Woods. A brief stop at a pub to quench our thirst we made our way back to a superb spread of cakes back at CK's place. The first sunburn of the year and sharp cyclist tan lines made the day a success. Another meet at Thetford brought out even more riders with super fast dusty singletrack bringing smiles all round. Chicksands Thursday evening rides are still happening for any of those that fancy a cheeky ride after work.
A few from our region are going to make their way over to the Forest of Dean national meet. We shall be announcing a special regional event to be held at the end of July. Looking further ahead we are going to entering a team in the Dusk 'til Dawn race in October.
Lincolnshire - Contact Pickle or Andy B for more details.
AR-CoolC flying down a section of singletrack whilst Longun watches from the top of the hill.
April has been a bit quiet in Lincolnshire, but I did manage to organise a ride on one of my favourite loops in the Wolds near Binbrook.
The weather was perfect & the trails were bone dry. Good banter was had and smiles all round from all the riders. Thanks for travelling over to sample the trails in N.E.Lincolnshire!
Here's the ride/aftermath thread: viewtopic.php?t=145724&highlight=
May is a busy month for me, on the 8th it's the Colne Valley MTB Challenge near Huddersfield, the 14th it's the National event at the Forest of Dean and on the 29th it's the Bicyclemania challenge starting from Swallow, Nr. Caistor, North East Lincolnshire, LN7 6DL.
Hope to see you at any of the events listed above, they are well worth the journey!
South West England - Contact Jonnyboy666, Makster or Heathy for more details.
Area PoTM
There hasn't been a major organised rides in our area this month but there has been a lot of riding in preparation for future events.
May is shaping up to be a busy month with Maksters Purbecks ride which is looking to be on the 22nd of may aswel as the Spambiking Erlestoke 6/12 hour enduro. Not forgetting the Forest of Dean National ride, unfortunately due to work i won't be there but i believe others from the area will be.
here's the links for the 2 events:-
and here is a pic of my P7 during my biggest training ride of the year so far! 43miles! 90% off road!!
South Wales - (WTD AEC and Deputy for South Wales area)
Please contact sinnett177 if interested.
RetroBike National Ride Series League Table
Anglian & Lincs
Rekiborter ~ 325 + 400 = 725
Lou74 ~ 225 + 0 = 225
Letmetalktomark ~ 100 + 300 = 400
Clem_r ~ 200 + 0 = 200
Gruff ~ 225 + 0 = 225
TREBOR2 ~ 225 + 0 = 225
lewisthewhippet ~ 200 + 0 = 200
LGF ~ 200 + 250 = 450
AverageMark ~ 50 + 0 = 50
Boy o Boy ~ 200 + 250 = 450
Bm0p700f ~ 200 + 0 = 200
Danson67 ~ 200 + 0 = 200
Andy_B ~ 250 + 400 = 650
Luked2 ~ 100* + 0 = 100
Detomaso ~ 200 + 0 = 200
Marin man ~ 200 + 0 = 200
sam_white ~ 100* + 0 = 100
Harry Hume ~ 100 + 0 = 100
elpedro666 ~ 250 + 300 = 550
Drystonepaul ~ 400 + 400 = 800
Mrlee ~ 300 + 300 = 600
Woody ~ 300 + 0 = 300
Harrycrumb ~ 300 + 500 = 800
Charlieboy ~ 300 + 300 = 600
Stewlewis ~ 0 + 400 = 400
AndyBag ~ 0 + 300 = 300
Dr S ~ 300 + 0 = 300
Sithlord ~ 400 + 0 = 400
Kev Duckworth ~ 400 + 300 = 700
Kaya ~ 300 + 0 = 300
Marc two tone ~ 300 + 400 = 700
Old Ned ~ 0 + 300 = 300
Rob RC200ti ~ 300 + 300 = 600
The Guvnor ~ -800 + 150 = -650
Any123 ~ 300 + 200 = 500
Team Lard ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Xen Master ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
Velocitizen ~ 0 + 300 = 300
NakedGav ~ 0 + 200 = 200
SLM Racing ~ 0 + 300 = 300
Weeman_mtb ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Iwasgoodonce ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Spencer13 ~ 0 + 400 = 400
Ededwards ~ 0 + -4800 = -4800
DEL ~ 0 + 200 = 200
CAS ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Christy ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
Uncle Monty ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
Pfennig ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
South East
TedC ~ 400 + 0 = 400
grd ~ 300 + 400 = 700
Wizard of Oz ~ 0 + 300 = 300
South West
Jonnyboy666 ~ 400 + 500 = 900
Gravy Monster ~ 400 + 0 = 400
Pure7-89 ~ 250 + 300 = 550
Makster ~ 0 + 400 = 400
Heathy ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Old Kit ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
* These low scores generally indicate that Sinnett177 couldn’t recognise you and so could only score on basic things like attendance. If you drop him a PM with a description of who you are and what you were riding you will have your points amended. If you've been missed off completely, again PM as above.
Enjoy your riding!
Retrobike Rides have now been going strong for many years. They have evolved from a couple of dodgy looking characters meeting in the woods to ride their retro pride and joys to groups of up to 40 enthusiasts meeting up to enjoy their bikes, company and trails.
In doing so a friendly atmosphere has been created and good riding manners developed, giving Retrobike Rides unique qualities and banter. As always with Retrobike Rides, everyone is welcome and made to feel welcome.
All abilities are catered for with the rule being we only get round as fast as the slowest person, with short cuts and chicken runs being planned into the routes.
If this appeals to you, please come and join in at one of our National or Local events.

The Yorkies take on Cut Gate, the dark Peak during April’s 3 tribes ride.
The Retrobike National Events Calendar 2010/11
With support from

Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler - Cancelled due to weather.
Rd 2 - Thetford - Jan 23rd (Sunday)
Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler re-run - February 12th (Saturday)
Rd 3 - Forest of Dean - 14th May (Saturday)
Rd 4 - BDW - TBC (Weekend, main ride Saturday)
Rd 5 - Drumlanrig - August 14th (Sunday)
Rd 6 - Mr. K's Day in the Peaks - Sept 10th (Saturday)
Rd 7 - Final Round (TBC) - Oct/Nov*
With the usual annual Retrobike attendance at:
- The Hell of North Cotswolds (Sunday April 10th 2011)
- Mountain Mayhem (Weekend of June 17th-19th 2011)
*The final round has been opened up for all regions to submit a bid to organise and host it. We’ll then post up their plans and every Retrobike member will have the opportunity to vote on the most popular idea. The event with the most votes will become the season finale for 2011.
Around the Regions
MacRetro - Contact Kaiser, The Ken, Clockworkgazz or Big Eck for more details.
Area PoTM

Saw MacRetro finally shrug off the winter hibernation with a bang. An adhoc meet up at the bings at big eck 's got the ball rolling and the guys headed up to laggan for a demo day. MacRetro also chalked up another classic on Skye
Will see a possible Thrunton sortie and a raggedy bunch heading for 10 Under the Ben. As well as a few randoms. If your feeling the need pop into the section and get yerself onto a ride

North East England & Yorkshire - Contact (AEC is vacant (please PM me if interested), chrisV40 or Kaya for more details.
Area PoTM

Last month it was the classic Three Tribes meet with the North West and Midlands chaps.
Riding condition were perfect and it was an eventful day for men and machines. aftermath HERE
We have two events this month, first on the MAY 5th- Global Nightride,
unfortunately there's been no ride organized but we would like to see your pics from your nightride.
Next its the main event MAY 21st- Thrunton Woods, Northumberland.
Why not check out the Announcement Here
North West England & North Wales - Contact drystonepaul, mr_ship, Harry Crumb (North West England) mrkawasaki or Sidewinder (North Wales) for more details.
Area PoTM
With a distinct lack of showers, the great weather inspired two more great rides in April. The slate trails of Penmachno and the hills of Mid Wales provided a scenic and challenging ride for a small group of riders on the 9th.
A couple of weeks later the annual Three Tribes meet began in Edale for the NWA riders. Another hot and sunny day in the Peak District meant dusty trails and several thirsty mountain bikers nearly drank the pub dry when we all met up.
With only Round 3 of the Retrobike National Series penciled in on the NW&NWA Calendar we're open to suggestions for any other local ad-hoc riding this month. So keep checking in on the NW&NWA thread for more...
As always, come and say hello on the North West England & North Wales area section.
East Midlands - Contact Orange71 or rc200ti for more details.
Area PoTM

Very busy month for the East Midlands group. We had the usual Tuesday night rides in Derbyshire and Leicestershire as well as a series of weekend morning rides, a Royal Wedding dodging ride and day rides out into the Peaks - including the fabulous Three Tribes event, details of which here.
Promises to be equally busy with ongoing Tuesday night rides, the first of which will be in Nottinghamshire (details will be announced in this thread. Some of us are attending the Forest Of Dean ride.
In the East Midlands we have also launched a new Route Resource where you can see the routes we do each week so if you are in the area you can have a go at some of them yourself (or give us a call and we'll show you round). The more recent ones have more detail e.g. distance, height gain, start point, summary of features etc.
Night rides will continue every Tuesday. Details here.
South and West Midlands - Contact Chris or Ededwards for more details.

April in the Midlands was kicked off in grand style with HoNC viewtopic.php?t=144974 and then followed up by preparing for Round 3 of the Retrobike National Series by going global a couple of weeks later (yes, those are NOS Taperlites in the bag).
May sees Round 3 in the Forest of Dean with a good turnout indicated (rumours that Jihn Donne may show up are just that, rumours) - the summer starts here.
Anglia - Contact Cannondaleking, REKIBorter or Lou74 (Anglia) for more details.
Area PoTM

Bikes grow on trees round these parts
The Anglian boys have had a busy month. We started with a small meet at Thetford which was hot, dry and dusty. The dry weather brought out a few more for a meet hosted by Cannondale King. Setting out from his house we made our way over to Fritton Woods. A brief stop at a pub to quench our thirst we made our way back to a superb spread of cakes back at CK's place. The first sunburn of the year and sharp cyclist tan lines made the day a success. Another meet at Thetford brought out even more riders with super fast dusty singletrack bringing smiles all round. Chicksands Thursday evening rides are still happening for any of those that fancy a cheeky ride after work.
A few from our region are going to make their way over to the Forest of Dean national meet. We shall be announcing a special regional event to be held at the end of July. Looking further ahead we are going to entering a team in the Dusk 'til Dawn race in October.
Lincolnshire - Contact Pickle or Andy B for more details.

AR-CoolC flying down a section of singletrack whilst Longun watches from the top of the hill.
April has been a bit quiet in Lincolnshire, but I did manage to organise a ride on one of my favourite loops in the Wolds near Binbrook.
The weather was perfect & the trails were bone dry. Good banter was had and smiles all round from all the riders. Thanks for travelling over to sample the trails in N.E.Lincolnshire!
Here's the ride/aftermath thread: viewtopic.php?t=145724&highlight=
May is a busy month for me, on the 8th it's the Colne Valley MTB Challenge near Huddersfield, the 14th it's the National event at the Forest of Dean and on the 29th it's the Bicyclemania challenge starting from Swallow, Nr. Caistor, North East Lincolnshire, LN7 6DL.
Hope to see you at any of the events listed above, they are well worth the journey!
South West England - Contact Jonnyboy666, Makster or Heathy for more details.
Area PoTM

There hasn't been a major organised rides in our area this month but there has been a lot of riding in preparation for future events.
May is shaping up to be a busy month with Maksters Purbecks ride which is looking to be on the 22nd of may aswel as the Spambiking Erlestoke 6/12 hour enduro. Not forgetting the Forest of Dean National ride, unfortunately due to work i won't be there but i believe others from the area will be.
here's the links for the 2 events:-
and here is a pic of my P7 during my biggest training ride of the year so far! 43miles! 90% off road!!
South Wales - (WTD AEC and Deputy for South Wales area)
Please contact sinnett177 if interested.
RetroBike National Ride Series League Table
Anglian & Lincs
Rekiborter ~ 325 + 400 = 725
Lou74 ~ 225 + 0 = 225
Letmetalktomark ~ 100 + 300 = 400
Clem_r ~ 200 + 0 = 200
Gruff ~ 225 + 0 = 225
TREBOR2 ~ 225 + 0 = 225
lewisthewhippet ~ 200 + 0 = 200
LGF ~ 200 + 250 = 450
AverageMark ~ 50 + 0 = 50
Boy o Boy ~ 200 + 250 = 450
Bm0p700f ~ 200 + 0 = 200
Danson67 ~ 200 + 0 = 200
Andy_B ~ 250 + 400 = 650
Luked2 ~ 100* + 0 = 100
Detomaso ~ 200 + 0 = 200
Marin man ~ 200 + 0 = 200
sam_white ~ 100* + 0 = 100
Harry Hume ~ 100 + 0 = 100
elpedro666 ~ 250 + 300 = 550
Drystonepaul ~ 400 + 400 = 800
Mrlee ~ 300 + 300 = 600
Woody ~ 300 + 0 = 300
Harrycrumb ~ 300 + 500 = 800
Charlieboy ~ 300 + 300 = 600
Stewlewis ~ 0 + 400 = 400
AndyBag ~ 0 + 300 = 300
Dr S ~ 300 + 0 = 300
Sithlord ~ 400 + 0 = 400
Kev Duckworth ~ 400 + 300 = 700
Kaya ~ 300 + 0 = 300
Marc two tone ~ 300 + 400 = 700
Old Ned ~ 0 + 300 = 300
Rob RC200ti ~ 300 + 300 = 600
The Guvnor ~ -800 + 150 = -650
Any123 ~ 300 + 200 = 500
Team Lard ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Xen Master ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
Velocitizen ~ 0 + 300 = 300
NakedGav ~ 0 + 200 = 200
SLM Racing ~ 0 + 300 = 300
Weeman_mtb ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Iwasgoodonce ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Spencer13 ~ 0 + 400 = 400
Ededwards ~ 0 + -4800 = -4800
DEL ~ 0 + 200 = 200
CAS ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Christy ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
Uncle Monty ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
Pfennig ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
South East
TedC ~ 400 + 0 = 400
grd ~ 300 + 400 = 700
Wizard of Oz ~ 0 + 300 = 300
South West
Jonnyboy666 ~ 400 + 500 = 900
Gravy Monster ~ 400 + 0 = 400
Pure7-89 ~ 250 + 300 = 550
Makster ~ 0 + 400 = 400
Heathy ~ 0 + 200 = 200
Old Kit ~ 0 + 100 = 100*
* These low scores generally indicate that Sinnett177 couldn’t recognise you and so could only score on basic things like attendance. If you drop him a PM with a description of who you are and what you were riding you will have your points amended. If you've been missed off completely, again PM as above.
Enjoy your riding!