Removing dent in Steel - Chrome rim?


Old School Grand Master
Had a quick search, but couldn't see anything - anyone know how to or had success in removing a dent (outward bulge) in a steel - chrome rim?

The last time I did this was when I was a teen. I used a hammer and made it worse.

Wondering if this can be saved. Any help appreciated.


straight bit of steel that extends well past the dink (1-2") one either side then squish it in a manly way with channel locks or pliers. the metal will have stretched but not enough to matter and it will be close enough after that procedure.
you could got at it with a plenishing hammer and a dolly but I'd be surprised if you need to.
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We used to do that a lot on bikes that came in for service, had a couple of sets of curved dollies, one set for 26/27" rims and one for 20" rims (not that we took much notice what size the rims were). Sometimes we wouldn't bother with them and held a big lump hammer against the good side of the rim before giving the bend a hefty tap* with a lighter hammer.
* Sometimes it was more of a clout than a tap.
You gentleman are legends. 👍

Two bits of steel either side and my trusty Knipex long adjustable pliers and the job is a good one!

I got so carried away with this wonderous technique, removed several other little bumps too. :D

Big thanks!
Pour cement or concrete into the good part of the rim. Use plastic wrap to keep it from messing up the rim. Then remove the dolly. Use this as a dolly after you squeeze the dent out with a steel bar and and angle iron on the outside and vice grips. You can also make a cement dolly inside a fender and use it to tap out dents. The dolly gets kinda destroyed removing it from the rim and pounding finishes it off. Paint stir sticks can be used to take up any slack on the non dent side. I keep these in my tool chest if there is any part that isn’t destroyed. This does’t make it perfect, at least I’ve never gotten a perfectly removed ding all the way out of a wheel or even perfectly removed fender dents, but it’s better. I’ve taken a hop out of a wheel by removing the spokes on the hop and placing a small bottle jack on the hub and hop and pressing it out. This doesn’t make it perfect but a steel rim can be made much better this way. Why bother? I sometimes rebuild bicycles that people have had since childhood and they are sentimentally attached to all the original parts. There is a tool to remove hops but I don’t have one.