Rattle can respray

Sand paper, brass wheel, screwfix paint remover and many hours of pain and suffering.

Primered, snickered and lacquered x4 coats.

Still building it, just waiting on the paint to harden.

Vid here
Not a fan of GT’s but that could win me over. Looks mint!
Here’s my attempt from a couple of years ago. Not the best but it looks ok overall. Stupid portrait mode on my iPhone blurs some of it.
Went back to bare metal, I had actually done most of the prep many months before I got round to painting.

The empty greenhouse on a warmish day made a perfect spraybooth and I had it all done over a day or so.

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I know the advice is to always lacquer over decals, but has anyone not done so, and got away with them not peeling/coming off? Lacquer seems the hardest thing to stop running/stippling when doing it yourself.
Nice! More pics please.
as for ETOE … he the Don
Unfortunately, there are not many pictures left. I painted the Fully with a brush in 2011.
The comic bike was a project for my girlfriend. It was mainly about finding out if and how I could do it. I am quite happy with it. But now I would build the bike differently.
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The Drahtesel is the latest bike. There is also a build-up thread here.