question about proflex 856 and 857 geometry


Dirt Disciple
Hello proflex experts, i´m interest in buying a proflex 857 or 856 but don´t know what size to choose, 16(M) or 18 inches (L) correct me if i´m wrong.

What is the length of the horizontal tube on both sizes, center to center, measured along the tube?

i´m 1,76m tall.

I could go and measure the top-tube on my 857 but I can tell you that I'm 180cm tall and the Large frame size is a very good fit.

Don't forget it can also depend on whether you have short legs/arms/long body/legs etc etc, but as a rule of thumb I'd go with a Large size frame.

By the way, it's approximately 60cm (24") from centre of seat tube to centre of headtube on my Large 857.