Quad bike conversion


Retro Guru
Ok so its a trike with 2 front wheels so its not a trike and not a quad bike

anyway I am using this to pull a Tomcat Trike trailer bike, just because its stable when parked and I dont need to go fast on it.- and I got for free!

the reason I am here is because I want to electrify it. not sure which route to go down - open to suggestions

yeah I have got a spare honda engine I could easily mount on the back - but it would be too noisey and smelly - I want a motor/couple of car batteries on the back - should be doable?
I've owned 2 electric vehicles and have a poor impression of them! Car batteries will only recharge a handful of times before they lose their capacity. What you would need are deep cycle batteries for caravans etc. They are rather heavy.
You can get cheap Chinese kits from Ebay to motorise a bike which uses a small 2 stroke motor. I've seen a couple of people using them on the roads locally, which is strictly illegal, of course.