Wanted Purple anodized parts


Retro Guru
I have been gathering purple parts and am playing with the idea to build a bling bling 'purple' bike.
A purple anodized seatpost, chainset and chainrings would get me pretty far. I have no preference for brands but do not want to break the bank.

Hi Vincent,

Got a few purple bits.

No seatpost though, but I do have a nice set of Grafton Joystix (no purple chainrings, sorry..), a Ringle H2O cage and one Gorilla brake booster 8).
Maybe even more, would have to check.

Is that something that floats your boat?
I almost dont dare to ask the price for the joystix but the brake booster might be nice.
I already have a ringle h20
I found the seatpost but the pictures are a bit unclear, could you send me better quality photos?
Yeah I must admit they're a bit naff. I posted them a few months ago then meant to get better ones but didn't manage it in the end. So see the ones below. I've also cleaned up the post a good bit which ought to let the colour come through a bit better. And whilst searching for the post I came across some purple X-Lite ski bends I forgot I had, so took some pics of these too. They're a little faded on the front side but not too bad. Also, I've a purple Bassano saddle that might do something for you. I know the thing with the coloured kit is mostly for anodized stuff but saddles, grips and tyres can often work too so I thought I'd mention it. Can get some pics in the morning if you're keen.


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